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Nana Lupin and Professor Slugghorn continue to chat while Regulus looks for his brother. Meanwhile all of The Marauders and Ravens are playing a small game of quidditch. Sirius is talking to James and Remus about the next round when he spots Regulus looking lost in the garden.

"Hey love, James, I need to run to the bathroom. Keep talking, just feel me in."Sirius says two the two boys, then runs off to the garden and pulls his brother to the hall.

"What t-"Regulus trys to say as he gets pulled.

"Hush!"Sirius yells.

"What? Sirius what are you doing?"

"What am I Doing? What the hell are you doing? I thought you were gonna tell Y/n you loved her. then you screwed that up."

"Sirius just lis-"

"NO YOU LISTEN! You can stay here, but don't break her heart Reggie. Let her be happy with Peter."

As Sirius said that name Regulus realized he might have been to late, Sirius walked off to the other and Regulus just stood there. Tears flooded his eyes, he knew Peter liked Y/n and that there was a small chance of the two ever getting together but he missed his chance and who knows whats gonna happen. He tried gathering his thoughts; Curious as to if she would no longer feel the same as she did once before.

"Regulus?" A familiar female voice called out.

"Huh" He looked up "oh, Y/n."

"What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to come."She says trying to act is if she didn't care.

"Well," he paused, "I didn't wanna stay at Hogwarts."

"So why come here?"She asked.

Regulus took a minute to think of what he was gonna say next. "Cause I don't wanna deal with my parents." He thought to himself 'fuck good going now she knows it's a lie' . Y/n just nodded her head and walked back to the others. 'Fuck. I really screwed it up this time' Regulus thoughts continue to roam. Meanwhile Y/n went back to the field with their friends.

"My love."Klaus says putting a hand out.

"My dear."Y/n takes his hand kisses it, then they walk to Lucy and Davey."Well hello love birds."

"Well hello."Lucy said laughing.

Davey looked at Y/n, "Hey everything okay? You look like you seen a ghost."

Y/n sighed, "I guess you can call him a ghost." Y/n turned around and seen Regulus walking onto the field to his brother and brothers friends.

"Oh shit." Klaus says shocked.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Y/n replied, "We are all friends and Nana did invite him. So he's welcome to be here if he wants." 'Liar.' She said to herself, 'You aren't fine. You wish he wasn't here so you could move on.' 

"Y/n", a voice calls out, "Your nana wants you"

"Huh" Y/n turned around, it was Peter "oh, okay coming!" Y/n turned to her Friends, gave a fake smile then walked towards the garden. Y/n got to the garden and went into the long corridor to see her Nana waiting with a rather odd looking boy. "Umm, Nan. Who might this be?"

"This my dear is Crutch, he is your brother." Nana said as she looked down to the shy boy.

"Does Remus know?" Y/n asked as she looked to the boy then her Nan.

"Not yet. But this might be the time to get you all together." Nan looks down, "Perhaps,  go gather your brother and friends. Meet me in the Garden room."
As Nana Lupin said this, Y/n began to wonder, thoughts flooding her head. She walked to the field head hung low.

"Y/n!" Peter called out.

He got no reply, Y/n just stayed looking down confused.

"Y/n!" Regulus called out. "Y/n!" He called a second time. Still no response.

"Y/n Eva Lupin!" Remus called out. Even then no reply.

All their friends look at her worried. She had been acting strange but this, this was new. Davey ran to her hugged her and whispered to her "Y/n, I don't know what's going on but we are worried. Come on little Lupin tell me." As he try's to get her to snap back into reality Regulus, Peter and Lucy all got jealous. The two friends were closer then Y/n and Remus.

"Nan wants us all to meet in the Garden room now." That's all that Y/n could say. All that would come out of her mouth. She hugged Davey back and whispered "Come with me real quick" the two of them ran off to Y/n's room. Meanwhile the others went into the Garden room waiting for Nana and     Y/n.

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