Chapter 1 - Distance

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Y/n's POV:

It had been nearly a month since Ava and I had said goodbye to Scarlett at the airport and man have those few weeks dragged. The first few days were really tough as I would wake up and instinctively turn over to hug Scarlett, only to be disappointed to find an empty bed. Although we weren't living together, we kind of had been before she left. We had gotten into routines and familiarity.

Thankfully, once I was back into work and getting back to normal with the routine with Ava, things got easier. We would talk to Scarlett every day without fail. Even if it was just for a few minutes in her break. She wanted to make sure we didn't forget her, not that that was ever going to be possible.

After the first week, I realised that I needed to start doing something for me, something away from just being a mum. I needed to have time for myself where I could do things I enjoyed, so I started to go to the gym more often during my lunch break. Jimmy had joined me, and we had this competition going on for who could run the longest or lift the most. Considering Jimmy is 15 years older than me, he is incredibly fit. He can outrun me easily, but then I kick his ass in anything to do with weights.

"Maybe if you could run faster, you might have avoided the whole caught up in an explosion incident." He taunted me one visit to the gym. "I'm starting to think I should have let that RPG hit you, you know!" I replied and he gave me a shove, causing me to trip and fall off the treadmill. Safe to say I've not lived that down for a while.

On top of going to the gym more, I've started to really get back into playing the piano and even started writing a bit of my own music. I find it really relaxing and it helps to deal with any feelings I'm struggling with. Ava loves listening when I've got a new piece and I always make sure to add a bit in that she can play along with.

Ava was enjoying it a lot, so I started to teach her too. She's got a natural talent for it, and I know it won't be long until she is better than me. It's special sharing something I really love with her and seeing that she enjoys it just as much as I do. It's common for her to come home from school now and ask to play the piano instead of her toys. She is definitely growing up fast, but she's still my goofy little girl.

We've also spent a bit more time with Sophie and Matt. Well, technically we're seeing less and less of Sophie as she is becoming love struck, but we're spending more time with Matt than we're used too. He really is a great guy and I get on with him really well. He's got a similar humour to me, which Sophie claims to hate, but I see her smirking when we're mucking around.

I love seeing her so happy. They haven't said I love you yet, but I can tell that they both do. Sophie is really worried about saying it too soon. But I can't talk as Scar and I admitted our feelings after 2 months of being together. Sophie had a really bad break up with her ex. James seemed like the picture-perfect man. Turns out he was a manipulative and cheating twat. She was madly in love with him, and it hit her hard. She worked to build herself back up and be open for another relationship, but she is still cautious of giving her heart away.

So, I understand why she is hesitant to admit that she is in love with Matt. But I know that Matt's a good guy. He adores her and will literally do anything to make sure she's happy. They're perfect together and it's been fun watching them grow as a couple.

Scarlett has been really busy with filming, but I know that she has really been enjoying it. She loves spending time with the rest of the cast and I'm constantly getting videos and pictures of them messing about. They are seriously some of the biggest kids I know. Especially Evans. He is just a man child! 

Everything was going really well until they had a technical issue on set. It meant that they had to reshoot a lot of their scenes during the week I was due to visit. Now it was filled with filming. So, we agreed that I would go back to the original week I was planning on visiting her as she would have time off then. When I eventually get out to see her, it'll be a little over a month since we've seen each other.

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