chapter one

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"welcome home" my brother Daniel screamed and tackled me into a hug

"hey bug" I call him bug because he is tiny like one but he calls me titch so there's no worries.

"I missed you titch " he crys

"I missed you too" I smile and hug him tighter

I let go of Daniel and walked into the kitchen to see the 6 people I hate the most

"whoa dude you didn't tell me you had invited a hot chick over" jack asks

"I didn't that's my sister" he raises an eyebrow

"what!" all the boys shriek

"yeah hi I'm Emma down you know the one you used to pick on, bully, ab-" I got cut off

"yeah we get it " Connor sighs

"right so I'm gonna go" I grab an apple of the Middle of the island making sure that my top pulls down just that little to much to show off some cleavage

I pull back up and all the boys except my brother were gaping but my brother was sat there all grumpy and shit

"well bye" I wave and walk out the room and taking my phone out of my back pocket

-later that day-

"hey mum when am I going to school" I ask

"oh my god you sounded so British then" she giggles

"sorry I did spend 5 years there mum so I kinda picked it up" I chuckle

"whatever and next week if that's all right" she informs me

"yeah fine thanks " I perk and run back up stairs and bump into a hard chest

"sorry" I apologise profusely to the person I bumped into

"it's alright babe" the person chuckles

"don't call me babe" I spit and look up to see the one and only Jake Stevens

"oh but I did " he smirks

"hey guess what?" I ask him

"what, babe" he smirks

"when I was in London I learnt to brake someone's arm leg nose jawbone shoulder blade (collarbone) ribs and there wind pipe " I explain "oh and I almost forgot I also know how to gorge someone's eyes out" I smile innocently and walk away

"so what are you saying" he asks

"I'm saying that if you come near me again but me again or verbally abuse me again one of those things will happen to you" I smile nicely at him and skip into my room slamming the door

I put my phone into the speaker and played really loud blink 182 it was Girl at the rock show at the moment

when the song finished and I had finished dancing my ass off I heard a round of applause coming from the door way.

"what the fuck" I tell

"we heard your excellent choice in music so we came to check it out and sore you dancing or what ever that was " tyler chuckles

"do you not see the please do not disturb sign that is hanging on my door " I wonder

"ah, yes we did but you see when we hear good music were all over it but by the look of it you were already all over it" Jacob chuckles

"do you guys even want your balls bye the time your out my room" I ask them

"yes we do buttttt we also can to see when your starting school" Hayden perks

"next week" I tell them

"oh ok we will show you round then and yeah" jack smiles warmly

"ok then um can you do me a favour?" I ask them

"yeah sure" they all say in sync

"take me to the mall?" I smile cheekily

"yeah sure we need some stuff anyway" Jake shrugs

"ok I'll be ready in like 20 minutes" I smile and shut the door on them

I quickly re-do my makeup and my hair that room like 15 minutes I then threw a leather jacket on top of my shirt crop top then I added a few bracelets and walked out my door and down the stairs

"come on then" I say scaring the boys who were sat in the living room with there backs towards me

"God don't do that " Tyler sighs and places his hand on his heart

"ugh I don't care lets go" I whine

"geez what got your panties in a pretzel" Hayden smirks

"well you see Jake did" I retort and smirk

I heard a few chuckles and looked at my brother who was gapeing open at me

"are we gonna go or not " I ask while opening the door

"come on" Connor sighs and pulls the boys with them with him to the door.

when we reach the mall we step out and walk threw the sliding doors into the air conditioned mall

"where to first" Tyler asks

"Victoria secret " I squeal and they all groan

"noooo" they all whine

"fine I'll just go bye myself....... where someone could take me and rape me.......and you guys won't be there to help" I sigh and started to walk away slowly

"ok fine we will go with you" Jacob sighs

"yay come on" I squeal and pull them with me

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now