Chapter 16

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Again no dedication because these are surprise chapters, your Christmas presents from me to you and there's a bigger one coming your way 💖

Do I go in?

No! I can't be here.

I want to go, I want to run away from this house, from jake but something tells me if I do it will be the worst mistake I ever make.

I go to walk away but my feet take me up to the door.

No no no no no! I'm not going in there i can't go in there.

Do I knock or?

I've made a lot of bad choices that I know I should regret like forgiving my brother and his friends, coming home when I should've stayed in Britain... 

Then there's the ones I don't regret but I probably should like the night in London where me and my mates spent the night out clubbing went skinny dippy in some pond then go back to school all naked and getting suspended for three days, giving my ex blue balls because he was flirting with other girls and the time I went to Big Ben and flashed everyone those are the moments I live by the ones I don't regret.

Now I'm going to probably do something I will regret straight after I do it but be thankful in the weeks to come.

I lift my arm up but the door suddenly opens and I feel a body come into contact with mine which makes me fall down onto the floor.

"Emma?" I hear the ruff voice of the only person I need to be with at this exact moment.

"Jake." I jump up and hug him he hugs back almost immediately tucking his head into my neck and squeezing my waist kind of in a protective way.

"I've missed you." I hear him whisper.

I pull my head back and grab his face by both hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I repeat so many times kissing him all over his face.

"E-Emma." He says quietly, I pull back just for my face to be taken into his hands. "You dont need to be sorry, i was the dick im the one that should be sorry." He smiles brushing the hair out of my face.

He brings his lips down onto mine kissing me slowly and passionately, full of love and lust these are the kisses that I want to last a life time, all of them are.

"I want to be with you so bad." He pulls back looking straight into my eyes.

"They why don't you be?" I smirk.

"Emma down will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me.

"Only if you'll be mine." I smile then realise what I've said. "Smooth ain't I."

Jake starts laughing then kisses me again. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend." He winks while laughing.

"Fuck off you know what I meant." I whine while laughing.

Jake let's go of my face and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Jake?" I look up at him with my face still pressed against his chest. "Can you tell me why it's so dangerous to be with you?"

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