Chapter 18

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I walk into the gang bar of ravagers and I grab there attention.

"Guys!" I shout in fake sadness.

"Something's happened to Cameron." I start crying, now this is why I took drama.

"He's dead." I 'break down' into tears on the floor and some of the guys come and comfort me.

"But!" I stand up and wipe my tears.

"He told me, he wants me to take over, be the leader, so from now on things will be a little different." I smile sadly.

People look genuinely upset and some others look relived.

"I'll see you all tomorrow for the first official meeting." I smile walking out.

Suddenly I hear a gun click.

"You killed him." Someone says I turn around slowly with a smirk.

"I did." I start laughing.

"You can't lead the ravagers!" He shouts.

"Ah, ah, ah, oh you see I can." I pull out a very formal sheet of paper.

Because Cameron was in love with me he was very easy to manipulate, such as I got him to sigh a contract saying when he dies I'll take over the ravagers.

"We signed a contract." I hold it out.

The guy with the gun steps forward and rips it out of my hands to read.

After 5 minutes of reading he sighs, lowers his gun and handsome back the sheet of paper.

"I'm sorry Emma." He gets down onto his knees as like a bow once he does so all the others follow.

I nod my head. "As I said I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I walk out and head towards my safe place.

I go to the forest well the clearing, to clear my mind.

Ugh someone else has been here.

There's blankets on the floor and fairy lights in the trees.

Awe this is cute, whoever this was for must be very lucky.

(Yooooo this is where I connect/link my other book FIRE into this one hope none of you mind)

I sit down on the moved log and think for a little while.

Wait who am I kidding, I cry and I cry until I have no tears left.

I must of been here for a few hours before I heard rustling in the trees.

"You okay?" I hear the person shout.

I wipe my tears quickly and turn around fast.

"Who are you?" I ask bravely standing up.

"Oh aha yeah I'm Hanna." She smiles stepping out of the woods.

"Emma." I purse my lips and nod my head.

"What are you doing out here?" Hannah asks.

"That's none of your business." I snap.

"Sorry." She holds her hands up in defends and chuckles lightly.

"No I'm sorry I'm just in a bad state of mind." I smile lightly.

"Emma!" I hear the oh so familiar voice of jake.

I run up to hanna and hide behind a tree. "If he asks I'm not here."

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