Chapter 22 pt 2

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Anonymous POV

I have them all.

This plan will succeed they'll be gone soon.

Who do they think they are running around this town like the own it?

I won't stand for this anymore.

For years they've thought they own us, well everyone for that matter.

It is a piss take!

Someone needed to do something.

Just sadly that someone turned out to be me.

And the thing is.

That bitch won't believe I'm back.

Emma's pov

"Dad?" I stare up at the big buff man in front of me.

"Emma." He smiles opening his arms.

I stare at him for a moment before a scowl replaces my face and I walk backwards.

"What do you want!" I spit fiercely at this man.

"Look I know you probably want answe-" he starts but I cut him off with a slap to the face. He breaths in deeply and shuts his eyes, that slap was a hard one as its draw a bit of blood.

"I don't want answers, What I want is to not have you in my life." I say calmly "I have survived this long without a father figure in my life, I've gone through some shit that a father should've wanted to deal with with me but you were never there, I only need mum, but I sure as hell don't need you." I growl getting closer to him with each breath poking his chest. "Now get out and leave before Hayden sees you and he really fucks you up." I push him hard but he doesn't budge.

"I'm not going anywhere, I've heard what position you're in, I know that you're now involved with gangs, I also know you lead one of them." He raises an eyebrow at me like he was awaiting a different response then cold eyes.

I should probably be shocked and worried, and honestly I am but I can't let him feel like he has control over me and my emotions.

"I also wanted you to know that the reason I left is because I got into some trouble with gangs." He admits and now he has my attention I look at him straight in the eyes my expression doesn't faultier. "Your gang."

I push my lips together and nod slightly. "What sort of trouble." I ask taking a step back and flashing him my gun from the inside of my jacket.

"I had been in the ravagers since a young age, like 14-15 in the drug trade, id help Cameron deliver drugs around the country because thus never expect such a young boy to ever get into such trouble, after a but I started getting bored of it so I tried to get out of it, Cameron said I had to make one big delivery and then I am free, so obviously I agreed, the delivery was huge 1500g of cocaine and heroine. I wasn't expecting such a big load of drugs, Cameron forgot to mention that I had to get all of this over to the UK, which is near enough impossible, so I tried to pull out of the job, Cameron then tried to kill me, of course with being in that gang for 4 years at that point I knew how to keep myself safe, so I had a bullet proof jacket on and I wasn't dead, but I acted like I was.

"In a few years time Cameron found out about me again and realised I was not dead, and held me hostage for 5 years, I met your mum she was the only one in the gang that was nice to me and soon we fell in love, she helped me escape and we made a pact when we get out of there we'd run forever and get married and start a family, Cameron has a pact not to kill both parents in a family if there are kids, so he told us that we can either pay off all the money then drugs were worth which was 5.4million of course we couldn't pay that off but we told him we could so he'd be off our back. Cameron then found out that we didn't pay any money at all and came after your mother, that's why I had to disappear he said if I don't leave he'll kill everyone i love." I finishes and stares up at me thinking I'm going to be apologetic and pity him.

"So you owe me 5.4million?" I stare at him.

"Yes." He looks down.

"Because I want you gone you have 3 years to pay 1/4 of it off and if you don't I will kill you with my bare hands, understand?" I look at him coldly.

"Thank you." He offers me a small smile.

"You are to send every pay check to my office so you better start working hard." I glare at him. "And if I see you around here again I will kill you so I suggest you leave right now."

"Of course yes, it was lovely to see you again." The man I once called my father was in tears, what a pussy.

He gets into his car that is parked across the street.

I wait until he's out of sight before I collapse on the floor, head in hands and scream quietly.

After a few minutes just sat there I let out a huge sigh and stand up wiping off the dirt and gravel from my legs and I start walking back to my house.

Once I get there I hear screaming and shouting.

"Where is she!" A manly voice shouts at someone.

"I don't know." My mother cries.


I walk around the corner to see my mum on her knees in front of our house, the man with a harsh grip on her hair and a gun to her head.

I walk around him slowly until I'm right behind him, I take my gun out and place it at the back of his head and cock the gun.

"What's your name." I ask calmly.

My mother gasps when she realises it's me.

"Who wants to know." The man turns around slowly and now the barrel of my gun is on his forehead.

"Someone important." I smiley sickly sweet at him as I kick the gun out from his hand leaving him defenceless.

I see my mother slowly start crawling over to the gun and picks it up and places it on the side of his head.

"Hunter James." He narrows his eyes at me once he realises who I am.

"What are you doing here?" I push the gun even further into his head. He whimpers a bit at the pressure.

I roll my eyes at him and shoot him in the leg. "Bloody hell its not hard what are you doing here!" I say over his groans.

"I was sent to kill you." He admits with gritted teeth.

"By who?" I ask getting pissed off with his vagueness.

"I can't say." He groans.

"Mum take this and call number 3 on speed dial." I toss her my phone. "Say its a 349 at Emma's house."

She nods at me knowing exactly what 349 is but acting like she doesn't.

"You're coming with me." I press my mouth next to his ear and bite his ear lobe.

For the next 5 minuets is spent me trying to get answers from him and shooting him another two times.

But soon 3 black vans pull up and 4 of my men step out and grasp this boy roughly into the van. "Make sure he tells you everything."

One of my men just nods at me and gets into the driving seat.

I turn back around to see my mother with a stern look on her face and her arms crossed.

"You have some explaining to do." She glares at me walking into the house.

I roll my eyes and walk after her.

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