Chapter 19

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"Pip I'm sorry." I apologise for the umpteenth time.

"I'm sorry does not explain why you had gone a-wall for the past two days and ignored all my calls and texts." She shouts.

"Let's just go to my house and I'll explain everything." I calm her down.

"You better or so help me god I'll stop being friends with you." She gets in the car.

"Emma you can't tell her everything." Jake snaps.

"She deserves to know." I growl.

"Go to my house, my mum and sister won't be home it's fine." He smiles.

"Okay." I sigh.

I get in the car and turn the engine on.

"Does he know?" She points to jake.

"He's part of it." I say quietly still focusing on the road.

"Do the other guys know." She whispers almost afraid of the answer.

"There a part of it but they don't know." I grip onto the steering while tighter.

"That makes no fucking sense!" Pippa throws her hands up.

I just sigh turning into jakes driveway and get out the car.

"This isn't your house." Pippa raises an eyebrow.

"You're right it's mine." Jake rolls his eyes opening the door and stepping inside.

I go after him then Pippa follows me, we go into the small living room.

"Now you better fucking explain." Pippa snaps.


"Then I ran off into the forest." I finish with a breath.

To say Pippas shocked would be an understatement.

"Wait so, you killed a gang leader so now you are one, you are a leader of a gang, both of you?!" Pippa says calmly but with a bit of fear.

"Pippa please don't be scared." I plead.

"I think I should go." Pippa stands up and makes her way to the door.

"I'll drive you." I smile standing up.

"No it's fine I'll walk." She turns to me rather quickly.

"You are not walking alone on these streets." Jake clenches his jaw.

"Fine." Pippa snaps walking out the door.

"I'm screwed." I whisper walking after her.

"Your house?" I ask.

"No Jacobs." She sighs.

"Okay." I smile driving down a different road.

After a couple minutes of silence pills finally speaks up.

"Can I still trust you?" She asks.

"Of course you can!" I turn to her with furrowed eyebrows.

She smiles weakly sitting back in her seat but she still seems on edge.

"What is it?" I ask pulling over onto the side of the road.

"Is Jacob involved?" She says quietly.

"I think it's best you ask him." I smile sadly.

"Em will I loose you?" She asks. "Will I loose everyone because I'm not involved?"

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