chapter 3

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as I walk off I hear my name being shouted I start to run and soon tears are coming down my face

I run into the bathroom I drop all my bags on the floor and I slide down the wall and start to cry even more

"hey are you ok?" I hear someone ask

"yeah" I sigh and look up to see my old best friend Lindsey

"well your obviously not what's happened" she asks

"nothing" I look down

"I know you" I look at her in shock "you are my best friend called Emma down!"

"I know and your my best friend Lindsey poppy " I smile

" you have changed so much you look. wow!" she exclaims

"thanks " I blush and look down

"now tell me what really happened!" she tells me

"well I made a bet with my brother that he couldn't get 15 girls numbers today. so as a joke I go up behind him as he is talking to a girl and go 'babe, what are you doing?' as a joke and before he can say anything I walk back to the table where all his friends are sitting at, then he says he fucking hates me and how he has liked that girl in a while" I pause and take a deep breath

"I so said 'chapter 3

as I walk off I hear my name being shouted I start to run and soon tears are coming down my face

I run into the bathroom I drop all my bags on the floor and I slide down the wall and start to cry even more

"hey are you ok?" I hear someone ask

"yeah" I sigh and look up to see my old best friend Lindsey

"well your obviously not what's happened" she asks

"nothing" I look down

"I know you" I look at her in shock "you are my best friend called Emma down!"

"I know and your my best friend Lindsey poppy " I smile

" you have changed so much you look. wow!" she exclaims

"thanks " I blush and look down

"now tell me what really happened!" she tells me

"well I made a bet with my brother that he couldn't get 15 girls numbers today. so as a joke I go up behind him as he is talking to a girl and go 'babe, what are you doing?' as a joke and before he can say anything I walk back to the table where all his friends are sitting at, then he says he fucking hates me and how he has liked that girl in a while" I pause and take a deep breath

"I so said 'oh sorry, how does it feel to have something you've always wanted to be stopped by someone else' and tags where we are now" I explain

"aw babe that's terrible" she hugs me

"emma you in hear" I hear a guy's voice say and I instantly know it's jack's

"yeah" I tell him

he walks in and see me and Lindsey on the floor and joins us

"you ok?" he asks

"no" I shake my head

"you wanna talk about it?" he asks

"no" I shake my head and he pulls me into him and hugs me, I bury my head into his chest

me and jack are really good friend like when I was bullied by my own flesh and blood he would always ask me if I was ok take me to the nurse is they hurt me and we became really good friends out of school

"your brothers really upset now" he tells me

"well that's his fault isn't it" I hear Lindsey speak up

"no it's mine I shouldn't have bought up the past " I shake my head disagreeing with her

"actually you have every right to bring up the past because e was the one that hurt you not the other way around " Lindsey explains

"I know but I shouldn't bring it up like that" I mumble

"it hurts him a much as it hurts you" jack sighs

"i know " I smile sadly

"anyway let's get off this sad subject" Lindsey perks "how about me and you go shopping and talk about everything that has happened while you have been away"

"yeah ok" I smile at her "jack could you tell the guys that I've gone with Lindsey"

"yeah sure " he smiles

"thanks" I hug him

"be safe" he hugs back and kisses my head (this is not a fanfic but that is jack Johnson and Connor is Connor franta and tyler is tyler okaly )

"I will " I smile and walk out

just to eat thing me and jack ARE NOT dating but we are just really good friends

"so where do you wanna go?" she asks as we walk out

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now