Chapter 20

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"Jennifer?!" I smile excitedly once I open the door and see her standing there.

"It's me bitch." She puts her hands on her hips.

I smile at her and hug her.

"What are you doing here?" I squeal letting out of the hug.

"What I can't come visit my family?" Jennifer raises an eyebrow at me and laughs lightly.

Jennifer is my cousin, we've alway been close until she moved to New York to study Psychiatry and I moved to England for a glow up.

Jennifer if very pretty she has brown hair and light brown skin, she gets that off her dad who is mixed race.

Everyone says we have the same smile but I don't see it personally

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Everyone says we have the same smile but I don't see it personally.

People also like to say Jennifer looks like she should still be in high school, no she just looks after herself well and manages to look 18 at 23.

Jennifer has a boyfriend of 5 years, they've been together since the start of senior year and been strong ever since.

"My god you've changed." She holds me at arms distance.

"Is Andy here?" I smile.

"Yeah he's with your brother in the front room." Jennifer walks into the front room.

"Emma!" Andy and Hayden both should in two very different tones.

"Hello Andy." I grin hugging him.

"Fucking hell you've grown up." He smiles backing out of the hug.

"Sorry mind if I just borrow Emma for a moment?" Hayden asks before grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs.

"Woah Hayden calm down." I rip my arm from his grasp.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" He whisper shouts.

"No." I roll my eyes sitting on his bed.

"When were you going to tell me."Hayden says more angry this time.

I just shrug.

"So you weren't going to tell me you are the leader of the ravagers?!" He picks me up from the bed using my shirt and levels my face with his.

"Of course I was going to tell you, but no you being the dumb shit you are just didn't wait to hear from me first." I spit ripping his arms off me and lifting my shirt a tiny bit to show the gun I have in my waist band. "Next time you want to man handle me, you won't have any hands."

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