Something very important

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Okay so I am writing the next chapter right now sorry about the big delay but I have something very important to talk about.

Okay so by the time you guys read this you will have heard about Maria Joyce, if you don't.

Go onto Twitter and it is the world wide trending hashtag right now.

But if any of you are being abused physically, mentally or maybe both, it doesn't matter if it's something so simple as getting called something mean once or twice too getting abused so badly you are cared to live your own life.

What I'm getting at with this is that I'm here for any of you who need to talk to someone and there's always the option of social services they will help you with anything you need.

This girl is a victim of abuse and it's obvious what's going on, people don't know if it's drugs or anything but what's going on with her shouldn't happen to anyone.

I'm here if you guys ever need to talk to someone or even just want a little chat then just PM me I've gone through problems of my own so I know I can help you.

You guys know I love you and you know I would hate to see you suffer.

-Lizzy 💖🌚

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