Chapter 17

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He still won't tell me anything.

I know about his dad, I know that he has a shitty past but he won't tell me anything.

It's so frustrating not knowing what could kill him or me.

I could ask Hayden...

No that's A bad idea Hayden is the last person who would tell me anything, especially when he's probably involved in it all.

I get that it will be hard for him to tell me, trust me and realise someone actually cares but at the end of the day Hayden is all that matters to me.

I'd do anything to keep him safe, and I'm sure he'd do the same.

I hope.

Because what I'm about to do is dangerous for me and him, but this will make him have to tell me everything.

Jakes POV

"Babe!" I hear Emma shout from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" I shout back but carry on playing FIFA.

"I'm just going out, to the store be back in like 30 minutes." She says from behind me grabbing her bag and coat off the hangers.

"Okay I'll come with." I stand up pausing the game.

"No no it's okay, I won't be long only going to get some chocolate and other things for movie night with Pippa." Emma waves me off.

I shrug waking over to her and pulling her in for a hug.

"Okay, be safe if anything happens call me." I take hold of her face and look her dead in the eyes.

A few days ago I got a call, from someone in a rival gang, saying there close and will take one of the only things that matter to me.

Now that could either be my mum, my little sister or Emma.

If anything happened to any of them I would loose my mind.

I don't like the idea of Emma going out by herself but I can't make her suspicious, well more then she already is.

I know she wants to know about me, I know she wants me to tell her all about my past and present but I can't, if she gets involved that will put her at risk, she's proven on many occasions that she is strong enough to handle herself, but I still don't like that she's going out there when someone who wants me dead and will do anything to hurt me is out there.

"I will don't worry." She smiles pecking my lips softly.

I smile back pulling her into another hug tightly this time, kind of protectively.

"Jesus I'm only going to the store." She chuckles.

"I know but." I shrug letting go of her.

"You're so cute." She squeals heading towards the door.

"I'm not cute." I grumble sitting back down on the couch.

"Whatever, bye." She shouts heading out of the house.

I go back to playing my FIFA game when Hayden comes down the stairs.

"Jake." Hayden nods at me.

"Hayden." I nod back.

"We need to talk." He looks serious, he's never been a serious type but when he wants to be serious he can be.

"What about?" I pause my FIFA game again and turn to look at him, my eyes follow him as he comes to sit on one of the chairs next to me.

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