Chapter 15

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Dedication for this chapter goes to no one because no one wanted it.
For dedication in the next chapter comment here 📖

"Let's go sit down." Pippa nudges me.

"Sure." I smile, she starts heading over to the boys table, I stop her and sit down on the empty table far from there's.

"What was that all about?" She raises an eyebrow.

"I'm not friends with Jake anymore." I tell her pooping a fry into my mouth.

"Why!" She raises her eyebrows.

"It's a long ass story." I laugh.

"It's a good job I've got time then." Pippa throws a deadly look at me.

"Yeah well I don't because I've got things to do." I laugh eating more fries.

"Like what!" Pippa sits back in her chair.

"I won't be in for the rest of the day." I take a bite out of my burger.

"Why?" Pippa raises an eyebrow.

"I did something last night that I need to go back and fix." I tell her.

"I'll come with you." She smiles kindly.

"No pippa, just go to class, come round after school ill explain everything, but until after lunch can we talk about someone different?" I smile politely.

"Sureeeee." She drifts off.

"Let's talk about you and Jacob." I smirk.She just looks down and smiles. "You really like him don't you?"

"Yeah." She sits back in her chair ands smiles to herself.

"He needs to ask you out soon." I smile knowingly.

"I don't know." She sighs.

"What do you mean?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I mean, I know he's bad news, I know he's got a past and he most probably has a present to, he's a badboy, there badboys there known for the shit they cause and how the fuck people's lives up, sometimes we have to take risks for the ones we want to be with the ones we love." She looks at me in the eyes.

"You're right." I sit back in the chair look at the floor.

"Hey guys." All the guys come and sit with us.

"Pip I have to go, come round later yeah." I smile getting up from the table, binning my food and walking out.


For fuck sake.

All she has to do is make this difficult, it's bullshit.

"Go after her." Hayden nudges my side.

To be honest this could be my only chance, the only chance I get in the next couple of days or weeks even months.

I set my tray down and I run after her.

"Emma!"I shout while running Down the hallways.

I see her stop in her tracks and look over her shoulder, as I get closer she starts getting edgier like she could bolt at any moment.

"Stop." Emma says quietly but loud enough for me to hear. "Come any closer and I will call the police."

"You're over reacting." I say quietly.

"Am I though? Think if you were in my position what would you do." She turns around as looks at me.

"I would be scared, I'd be scared shitless, I'd be doing what you're doing right now, Emma!" I make a bold move and grab her hands.

She snatches them away almost as soon as I'd touched them and moves backwards, "just go jake, once you've sorted out what you need to sort out, hit me up but for the time being I don't want anything to do with you." She shakes her head, her eyes become watery, she turns around and starts walking away.

Do I loose her or go after her?

I put my head in my hands, normally I would just let any girl go! I don't know why I can't let her go but if it's for her own good and safety I guess I have to.


Ugh, I was so stupid! I was so stupid and naive to not see he obviously doesn't want me.

Fucking dickhead! I could just hit him for the amount of shit he's put me through, it's not fair, I forgive him for the pervious mistakes he made all them years ago, in fact I forgave all of them only to be let down by jake.

Sometimes you do the right thing but get the wrong result.


I walked into the clouded room filled with boys, music banging loudly, you can smell the weed linger in the air.

This is my heaven, some people's might be shopping, some people's might be tiding but mine is at the palace.

"No way is that Emily!" I hear someone shout.

As soon as that person shouts the music dies down and everyone turns to look at me.

"Where is he?" I ask calmly not wanting to get pissy with people.

"I'm right here sweetheart!" I hear the all to familiar voice of Cameron.

I look at him for a moment before squealing jump hugging him.

I know what you're thinking, what the fuck is going on.

The palace; aka my second home, just to complicate things more there's a gang.

Cameron is British, I met him when I was in England last year, I kind of slept with him.

Long story short when I came back to visit I met all his gang and we really became close.

He loves me let me tell you now and I don't mean like brotherly sisterly love I mean he's like in love with me, but it's great because I have the protection of him and his gang and the authority to boss them around.

"Cameron I've missed you." I smile letting go off him.

"I've missed you too." He smiles kissing my cheek. "What are you doing here?"

"Boy drama." I roll my eyes taking a seat on one of the many sofas in the room.

"Who's neck do I need to break?" He raises his eyebrows.

"No ones just this boy who I had a thing with told me that he couldn't be with me because it would put me in danger." I whine.

"What's his name?" Cameron asks sitting next to me.

"Jake Stevens." I look at him.

The only thing that worries me about this whole situation is the tiniest bit of fear in Cameron's eyes at the name of jake.

"Rival gang, has killed will kill, little sister call Jessica dad who's back in prison mum who will do anything to get money, in a gang with jack Johnson, Connor franta, Hayden stone, Jacob Peterson, Tyler frame." My heart stopped at the name of Hayden.

Hayden's in a gang?

No, he can't be.

What if he is.

Oh god this can't be happening.

I just sit staring at the wall blinking slowly, I need to go, I need to get out of here.

"Sorry cam but I have to leave I'll come back tomorrow or something." I smile before running out.

I run, I don't know where too but I run.

When I run I feel free even with everything chasing me if I run they can't catch me.

I ended up at the one place I didn't want to be one bit.

Jakes house.

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now