chapter 6

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"wow" I whisper after the kiss

"wow" he laughs and puts our foreheads together

"well I better be off to class now " I smile

"wait no skip please" he begs

"I can't on my first day it will look bad" I explain

"so, please and we can go to the gym together " he begs

"fine but we have to stop of at my house so I can get my gym bag and gym clothes" I tell him

"of course" he smiles and grabs my hand as we walk to the car


"ok have you got everything " Jake asks as I get into the car

"let me check " I look threw my bag "water bottle, phone holder, earphones, heart monitor, deodorant, hand sanitizer, body spray, towel, energy bar, every drink, purse, house keys, hair brush, hair ties and bobby pins! yep got everything "

"I thought you just needed a towel and a water bottle " Jake chuckles

"wait I forgot one thing" I tell him

"what?" he asks

"my gym clothes" I chuckle "I'll be right back"

"I'll be waiting" he laughs

I re-open the door and run to my bedroom and put on my black Nike just do it shorts my black Nike sports bra and black Nike shoes trainers.

I then Pop a purple to over it that says 'train like a beast look like a beauty'.

once I was dressed I run back down the stairs locking the door and get back into the car.

"took you long enough I'm almost out of gas" Jake whines

"I'll pay for your gas " I tell him

"no you won't " Jake sighs

"ok then " I shrug and pull the seat belt over my body.


when we finally reached the gym I hoped out the car grabbing my bag and followed Jake inside

"what do you want to do first" Jake asks

"stretch" I tell him

"I mean after that" he laughs

"weights" I tell him

"you weights " he laughs

"what are you trying to Say" I ask

"that there is no way you can do weights " he laughs

"how do you think I got this six pack then" I ask pulling my shirt over my head

"tablets " he shrugs

"you think I took drugs to make my body like this " I raise an eyebrow

"yes I am" he chuckles

"dick" I mutter as I walk past him to the weights

I do leg lifts first then plank for about 5 minutes then I move to the treadmills

"you keep in good shape don't you" I hear someone ask from beside me

I look o see who it is and it's an man about in his 50s checking me out

"well if you don't you don't get a good body and I need a good body to pass in life" I tell him and keep on running

"good how would you like to come over sometime " he asks

"sorry I can't for all I know you could be a pedo, rapeist or a kidnapper " I tell him

"you will come over some time" he order

"no" I purse my lips "I don't think I will"

"oh really why is that?" he asks

"because I can tell by the way you look that you have just got out of prison. by the muscles and that massive scar on your hand you were put there for abusing someone and the lines on your forehead from sexual assault" I smirk

"non of that is true " he shakes his head

"I can tell if someone's lying to me and guess what that's what your doing right now so get your ass away from me before I call the cops and have you back in prison " I smile

"oh yeah, and what would you say to them?" he smirks

"if say that you broke out of jail and tried to kidnap me " I shrug

"why do you think I broke out of prison" he asks

"because you are a very good match of someone my friend described and said that they had broken out of prison" I shrug

"what are you?" he asks "CIA, FBI, secret service?"

"non of them I just went to a brooding school England and got you to admit a load of stuff that I can hand back over to the cops along with a picture " I pause and take the picture "and a nice little voice memo to go along with it "

"your gonna regret doing that " he smirks and swings at me.

I manage to duck and grab his arm and bend it back so the bone snaps.

"don't mess with me or my fiends and I won't mess with you" I smile innocently and walk away leaving him with a broken arm

"what's that about " Jake asks

"nothing just putting your dad in place" I shrug

"what!" Jake asks

"I broke his arm" I shrug

"what!" Jake whisper yells

"I have a picture and a voice memo of everything and he shall now be back in prison" I tell him

"are you shore your not part of the CIA or secret service " he asks

"well it wouldn't be called the secret service if I went around telling people " I laugh and he stares at me wide eyed "I'm joking but it's true you don't tell people your part of the secret service because you have to keep it a secret"

"I know I'm not stupid " he laughs

"you sore about that" I raise an eyebrow

"thanks means a lot " he says sarcastically

"it's ok " I smile

"so do you wanna go get star bucks?" he asks

"I thought I was meant to be the white girl here" I laugh and follow him out

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