chapter 2

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after we went into Victoria secret we went into forever 21 the went to a bunch of other stores

we were just about to go eat in the food court when Connor says something

"I didn't know girls had this much strength " he shakes his head

"what do you mean?" I ask

"well you have about 7 bags full of shopping and still want to walk round and buy more" tyler shakes his head

"well I guess practice makes perfect " I smile and shrug

"what do you mean?" they asks

"when I was in London all I did with my English buddies was go shopping and study it was kind of a routine if you will" I tell them

"wow you sounded British then" Hayden chuckles

"well spending like 5 years there does make a difference" I tell them

"yeah we kinda figured that out" Jake smirks and Hayden hits his arm

"thank you and can you do me a favour?" I ask

"sure" they all say

"don't tell anyone that I'm back because I know how much I have changed and I want to surprise the shit out of them" I ask

"yeah sure " they shrug

"Hayden" I hear a girl shriek

I look over at the girl and see Tiffany the school biggest slut/bitch

"Who is this?" she spits

"she's with me " Jake says from the side of me

"so why are you around her" Tiffany spits

"because you can't stop me having around my friends I have a life other then you and frankly I'd rather not have a life with you at all"Hayden snaps

"are you breaking up with me?" she fakes looking hurt

"yes I am I never liked you I only went out with you because you were good at what I wanted you for" Hayden smirks

"chapter 2

after we went into Victoria secret we went into forever 21 the went to a bunch of other stores

we were just about to go eat in the food court when Connor says something

"I didn't know girls had this much strength " he shakes his head

"what do you mean?" I ask

"well you have about 7 bags full of shopping and still want to walk round and buy more" tyler shakes his head

"well I guess practice makes perfect " I smile and shrug

"what do you mean?" they asks

"when I was in London all I did with my English buddies was go shopping and study it was kind of a routine if you will" I tell them

"wow you sounded British then" Hayden chuckles

"well spending like 5 years there does make a difference" I tell them

"yeah we kinda figured that out" Jake smirks and Hayden hits his arm

"thank you and can you do me a favour?" I ask

"sure" they all say

"don't tell anyone that I'm back because I know how much I have changed and I want to surprise the shit out of them" I ask

"yeah sure " they shrug

"Hayden" I hear a girl shriek

I look over at the girl and see Tiffany the school biggest slut/bitch

"Who is this?" she spits

"she's with me " Jake says from the side of me

"so why are you around her" Tiffany spits

"because you can't stop me being around my friends I have a life other then you and frankly I'd rather not have a life with you at all"Hayden snaps

"are you breaking up with me?" she fakes looking hurt

"yes I am I never liked you I only went out with you because you were good at what I wanted you for" Hayden smirks

"what?!?" she shrieks

"you heard him bye bye bitch" Connor smirks and waves

"ugh" she walks away swinging her hips far to much

"I always new you were a man slut!" I narrow my eyes at my brother

"what can I say the lady's love me" he smirks and sits back in his chair and places his arms behind his head

"ok corse that's why you don't have on right now" I nod my head sarcastically at him

"do you want me to get on right now?" he questions

"yes in fact I want you to get 15 girls numbers from this whole mall today" I tell him

"he probably has all there numbers anyway" I hear tyler mumble

"I heard that and deal" he sticks his hand out for me to shake

"deal start now" I tell him

he gets up and walks over to a girl and starts talking to her

"I'm gonna do something " I tell the guys

I walk up behind my brother

"babe, what are you doing" I ask putting a hand in his shoulder and the other one on his arm

"ugh, don't come near me again if you have a girlfriend" the girl he was talking to said and walked away

before he can say anything I am running back to our booth to see all the boys laughing at me

"I can't believe you did that" Jacob laughs

"well it's funny because no one knows me" I laugh

"I fucking hate you!" Hayden exclaims walking over to us

"what did I do?" I ask innocently

"you know exactly what you did and I've wanted that girl for a while now" he whisper-shouts

"oh sorry, how does it feel to have something you've always wanted to be stopped by someone else" I raise and eyebrow and grab all my bags and walk off

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now