Chapter 22

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I fill my lungs with the cold air of the night.

Breathing short quick breaths.

My heart is pumping almost to the point were it could rip out of my chest at any moment.

My legs, I can't feel them.

My muscles ache like crazy.

But I don't stop.

I keep going.

My head is crowded full of empty thoughts.

I turn the corner and hit something rather large and muscular.

"Sorry!" I say profusely, picking myself up from the floor.

I look up at the large muscular man, stood of me.

When I finally reach his face.

I'm taken aback, strongly.

"Miss me?"


Pippa's POV


"Ethan sit down! Tyler stop that! Sam I swear to god!" I hear the familiar voice of my mum.

"Morning mom." I smile kissing her on the cheek.

"You're back! I was worried sick where were you?" She asks grabbing my face checking me over to see if I'm hurt.

"Sorry I stayed at Emma's, we had a movie night and I'm sorry I forgot to call." I smile slightly.

"I'm just glad you're okay." My mom places a hand on my shoulder before going back to my brothers.

"Mom?" I ask.

"Yeah sweetie." She looks up and smiles putting some food down on plates.

"Thank you." I smile.

"For what?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Just being the best mom ever." I hug her.

"Awe sweetie." She hugs back tighter.

"Can we have a girls night, me you Emma and Emma's mom?" I ask.

"Of course, Tyler Ethan and sam are staying at there friends houses tonight anyway." Mom grabs a juice carton from the fridge and gives it to sam.

"I'll let Emma know." I smile.

I go upstairs and call Emma.

" hey this is Emma leave a message"

I sigh as it plays the voice mail thing.

I put my phone down on my desk.

And suddenly I'm on the floor unconscious.

Jake's POV

"Jakey!" My little sister calls.

"Hey." I grin picking her up.

"I've missed you." She shoves her head onto my shoulder.

"It's okay I'm here now." I Hug her tighter.

"Where do you always go?" She pulls out of the hug and looks at me in the eyes.

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now