Chapter 23

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Jakes pov

"Jakey what was that!?" My sister panics.

"Tay we are going to play hide and seek, I'll count to ten and then come find you, but remember the rules?" I ask her raising an eyebrow.

"Don't come out unless it's you who's found me." She smiles running off.

After she's run off I rush out the door to see my mom on the floor with a man stood behind her and a gun to her head.

"Hello Jake." My mum smiles shakily as a tear falls from her face.

She looks in pain but not from being hurt, she opens her mouth as if she was about to say something again but shuts it quickly. The man growls at her and presses the gun further into her head making her whimper out in pain.

"No!" She cries and repeats over and over again. "No I can't tell him." She shakes her head violently crying tears pouring down her face.

"Tell him!" The man bellows as another man cocks his gun and places it on the side of her head.

"What is it mummy?" I smile lightly, I kneel down to get on her level as a tear drops from my eye.

"I don't want too." She cries a bit louder.

"Mom, it's okay tell me." I try and stay strong but in this moment seeing your mother helpless on the floor with a bloody nose and a slashed lip, and two guns to her head it's hard to stay strong.

"They said you have 24 hours to kill Emma, or they'll kill me." She cries.

I am very strongly taken aback, but even more stunned when I hear a gunshot go off and I also hear a taser shot.

I look up and see both men lying on the floor and my mother running towards me.

I catch her in my arms and hun her tightly, her cries are making me weak at the knees, I've never seen my mom cry and it's not something I ever want to see again.

"Jake!" I hear a voice shout as I look up me and my mom are both on the ground with a weight on top of us. "Sorry." The weight chuckles.

"Emma?" I smile as I hug her tightly and let go of my mother. She hugs me back just as tight making me feel safe after she hugs me she doesn't give me chance to ask what happened she is already attacking my mom with hugs.

"Are you okay! Do you need anything? Let's get you inside!" She smiles taking my mother inside.

"Er em, what do we do about them?" I turn around and point to the dead guy lying on ground and the other guy who is shaking violently.

"Give it two minutes, the boys are coming in a truck to pick up both of them." She smiles lightly at me rushing my mom inside rubbing her back softly.

I go over too the guy,  grab him by the throat and lift him up.

"You're going to pay for ever coming near my mom." I growl at him as I take out my knife and cute three large slashes into his stomach so everyone knows he's targeted now by me.

I take my knife away just as the boys grab him off me and take the dead body.

"Find out who he is and why he tried to kill my mother and threaten Emma, also don't be nice, be as brutal as you can be." I smirk and a look of panic rushes through the guys eyes.

I watch thie truck leave and then head back inside.

"Tay the games over I can't find you." I shout and she appears out of no where hugging me tightly.

"Tay go over there and watch some YouTube." My mother smiles handing Taylor her phone.

Taylor grins snatching the phone out of mothers hand and running over to the small beanbag and jumping on it.

"Mom." A sigh of relief leave my mouth as I hug my mum tightly.

"It's okay baby I'm here, in safe." She cries into my shoulder as I stroke the back of her head.

"No ones ever going to hurt you again mama, I swear it." I whisper.

"Jake, who were those people, and what did they want with you." She pulls out from the hug and sits down on the sofa just as Emma come back out with a cup of coffee for my mom and a beer for me.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that it hasn't happened to anyone else." I smile taking a sip of my beer.

"Yeah, about that." Emma sits down on the table opposite us. "They've just done the same thing to my mother."

"Who's they!" My mom asks.

"Really? I'm going to kill them sons of bitches." I grown standing up and heading towards the door.

"Jake!" I hear my mother shout "tell me what's going on."

"You don't want to know." I grab the door handle.

"You tell me now Jake or I swear to god you will never be allowed back in this house again." She growls at me, calm as ever though.

"Well at least now I see where you get your temper from." Emma tries to make the situation less tense.

"Emma, can you go to the office and sort out a safe house for both our family's to live in and then call the guys and make sure they are aware of everything that's happened." I give her instructions, I open the door for Emma to step out.

"I'll call you when I'm at the office." She smiles kissing me lightly.

I smile back at her as I shut the door she mouths 'good luck.'

Emma's Iii oui pov

I get in my car and calling the groupchat as it's an easier way to get hold of everyone at once.

It rang not even once before saying.
"These lines have been disconnected"

I am immediately met with gut feeling that something is wrong, I think back to what has just happened I head straight home to find my brother.

We might've ended things on a bad note but he's still my brother and id die if anything happened to him.

I get home and sprint inside, my mum and little brother are lying on the sofa watching some kids tv show.

I run upstairs only to find my brother isn't there anymore. I run back downstairs to speak to my mum.

"Where's hayden" I ask urgently.

"I don't know, he said he was going on a drive?" The second she says that I pull out my phone and check the tracker that I put on all of my friends cars.

I get back in my car and set the map to his location and call Jake on the way.

The call finally goes through and he picks up.

"Jake! You need to check on everyone." I keep my calm, speeding up to 120mph.

"Why what's happened?" I hear Jake getting into his car.

"I think they've all been taken."

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