Chapter 7

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"Wait so you did what!" I laugh

"I tried to get into a married women's pants" he shakes his head embarrassed

"I knew you are a man slut " I laugh

"I know " he admitted


At the moment we out at this Italian 80's diner and he's telling me about his fails of being a man slut

"Why not" he chuckles

"Because it's not right it's like if Tiffany admitted it everyone would be shocked because you know how she slaps everyone that calls her it" I laugh

"Tiffany is worse then me, she got into Mr hemmingsworths pants" he chuckles

"Really" I laugh

"Yeah and it's so funny when she flirts with him in class" he laughs

By this point I am laughing so hard there are tears poring out my eyes

"She pulls her top down to show more of her boobs pulls her skirt up so you can see her ass cheeks it's fucking hilarious" he laughs

"Once she was walking away from him and she pulled up her skirt so you could see the horrible lime green lace thong she was wearing and the principle walked in" he laughs

By now I am having trouble breathing while lying on the floor laughing like a whale.

"You ok there " jake asks I just laugh more and more

After about 5 minutes of that I have finally sobered up.

"Can we go get ice cream" I ask

"Nooooo you just had Ice cream like 1 hour ago" jake whines

"Well that's an hour ago I want one now" I pout like a little kid

"No" he crosses his arms

"Please" I pout and do my puppy eyes which no one can resist

"No" he looks away from me

"Please jake " I sit on his lap still pouting and doing my puppy eyes

"No" he says strongly and looks at me

Haha I've got him now "jake please "

"Ok fine" he gives in

"YAYYYYY THANK YOUUUUUUUUU" I shout and kiss his cheek and run out of his house to his car


As we walk in I saw that all the older buffer guys in here were giving jake glares.

Hum. I wonder why?

"Cookies and cream please " I tell the lady behind the counter "and can I have on top of that mint chocolate chip with a flake"

"Sure any thing else" the lay asks

"Can I have a small chocolate ice cream please" jake says

"Ok that will be $5.53 please" the lady informs us.

"There you go " jake hands her the money

"Have a nice day" she smiles as we walk off.

"Thanks for paying" I smile and kiss his cheek

"Well if I put on loads of weight and I get kicked off the soccer team for this then your paying big time" he informs me

"Noted" I salute him

"Your such a dork" he chuckles and carts on walking back to his car.

I'm back bitches #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now