chapter 4

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when i had finished catching up with Lindsey it was 4:40 pm so I went to find the guys.  

soon my phone started ringing

"hello" I say into the phone

"hey its jack " he tells me threw the phone

"ok where are you because I am alone right now and I don't know where you are" I ask

"American apparel " he answers

"why that store it's lame! anyway will you still be there in five minutes?" I ask

"probably your brother can't think about which underwear to pick " he chuckles

"yeah ok I'll see you in a minute bye" I finish and end the call with a quick bye from him

after about 5 minutes I found American apparel and walked in and shore enough all 6 boys where there

"hola " I speak turning to face them

"hello" Hayden smiles

"can we go " I whine

"no I don't know what to pi-" I cut him off

"just get the plain black ones God it didn't even take me this long to get my underwear from Victoria secret, and a girl has to have a special type of shape if your wearing a thong! okay so just hurry your ass up" I cuss

"ok fine I'll get these and we can go" he sighs

"praise the Lord " I sing

when we walk over to the store clerk I see a really cool iPhone case so as Hayden was putting his pants on the table I put my phone case on there as well

"awe you guy are a cute couple" the store clerk coos

"EW WHAT NOOOOOO!!!" me and my brother both shout

"I'm his sister " I inform her

"and I'm her brother" he tells her

"sorry" she laughs

"whatever" Hayden mutters

"Hayden" I scold hitting his arm "don't be rude"

"I wasn't being rude" he tells me

"whatever" I put my hand in his face and walk out

I stand out there for about a minute I was about to go in when someone stopped me

"hello, babe what's a pretty face like you doing all alone round here?" a tall blonde haired blue eyed guy asks in front of me

"first of all; DO NOT and I mean DO NOT call me babe second of all who says I'm alone " I raise an eyebrow

"what is a pretty face like your doing all by her self?" he asks ignoring me previous question

"who said she was alone?" somebody asks from behind me

then I felt an arm going around my shoulder

"s-sorry I d-dint k-know" he stutters

"well now you do good bye, babe!" I mimic him

he walks off with out another word.

I turn around and see jake stood with his arm around my shoulders

"thanks" I smile

"no problem he looked like he was bothering you so I stepped in to help you out" he smiles

"yeah can we leave I really want to order pizza" I whine rubbing my stomach

"yeah ok let's go" he takes me to the car as we wait for the others

-a week later so when she goes back to school-

"Emma get your lazy ass up" I hear my brother shout

I quickly get out of bed and get dressed (her outfit is on the side but I will still describe it because there are loads)

I grab my black tank top and ripped jean shorts and a black and white flannel and I put that on.

it was a good idea for me to have a shower last night because I don't have enough time right now.

I apply my normal amount of makeup which is; foundation, nude lip stick, mascara and eye liner.

I slip on some ankle cut cowboy boots and do my hair the usual; straightened but curled at the ends

I walk down stairs and grab a pop tart.

"God I haven't have one of these in ages"I complain

don't get me wrong they do sell these in Britain but not as much.

"awe is baby sis missing the American sweetness" I hear Hayden tease

"hey if you haven't forgot I'm your twin and I'm three hours orders then you "I tell him

"whatever" he pouts

*car horn*

"I guess that's Connor " Hayden tells me whilst grabbing his bag "you coming"

"yeah " I smile and grab my black studded bag, and phone with my tfios phone case on and walk out the door with Hayden

"hey Emma" all the guys greet me as I sit in the car

"hi" I smile

"ready to face everyone " jack asks

"no" I confess

"we will get threw this " he smiles and grabs my hand

I smile and look at jack and see jakes death glare towards jack threw the window

"where here" Connor shouts

here goes nothing

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