How it all happened

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My brother and I were born in the year of 1697. And since we are born in the same year yes that does make us twins. A very rare thing to have happen. Not so easily common back in the day considering that women typically ended up dying after giving birth to even one child. At least not to long ago from our time. Born in the spring, almost summer in April, but none the less always loved winter, and everything about it.

My father founded the town that we live in, here in Burgess. It wasn't until 1704 that our family was complete. However, at the turn of the century things began to go downhill. We were 4 years old, 4 more years and our mother would be pregnant again. In beginning when my brother and I were born he was happy to have had my brother Jack, that he was a boy, but to say he was disappointed that I was a girl was just a bit of an overstatement.

Don't take me wrong my father did love me, but girls were seen as useless. They couldn't work, didn't have jobs, the only jobs we were supposed to have were staying at home and taking care of the children, to bare our own, and get married as early as the age of 13. And usually never out of love, but for trade, or allies, or some 3rd thing and beyond of something that would help our family or our country, or dare I say state, or what have you.

Being promised to be married off to someone either since birth for us both and supposed to grow up together, or married off to someone old enough to be our parent, whether loving or abusive or some 3rd thing, that was just the way of the world. Women were made to be treasures, nothing more than to be looked at and gawked at. Never to speak unless spoken to, to never as much as look at a man in the wrong way or we'd get punished.

My family wasn't like that, but the rest of the world, the rest of society was, at least in that time. It's not like there was such thing as woman's rights. Like what are those? Never heard of those before. Not until much later. Being married for love would be such a taboo thing. No talk of it, that you were married off to whoever, and promised that you would love them along the way, that a woman would learn to love their husband.

To do whatever he wanted, when he wanted. To hope to have young strong boys to work the fields and to have jobs, to earn a living. My brother was my father's favorite child. Never gave me much of a second glance. Sometimes I felt like I didn't even belong. Especially by the time that my little sister came along. Oh dear, I've been going on and on about our story, but not once have told you who we are. I'm sorry.

It's no wonder girls weren't supposed to speak, we could just go on and on about this and that. And there I go again. My name is Farrah Jade Overland Burgess. My twin brother is Jackson Edward Overland Burgess. Except you will know him more as the one and only trouble making winter spirit as Jack Frost. When the year 1704 did come around, when we were 8 years old that's when our mother Elizabeth had our sister Mary. Mary Kathern Overland Burgess. Who would soon become the spring spirit.

And me, I've always been a good and quite child, the only difference between myself and any other child was that I never dressed or acted anything like a girl. I had to quickly learn my place though once my sister was born. And even before something that no one knew about, at least I'd hope that they hadn't was that for the longest time since I was 6 years old my father would drag me to my room, and beat on me.

If I screamed or cried out, he'd hit me that much harder. Women were made to be silent. I had to learn that message quickly. After Mary was born two years later to say he was disappointed that she was a girl this time would've been an understatement. Two girls and only one boy?! That meant that Jack would have to work extra hard. Our father would go to tavern and drink, to get drunk.

He always beat and abused me behind the rest of the family's back. When I was about 10 Jack found out. I'd be locked away in my room, recovering from something our father had done, whether cuts along my body, that would soon turn to scars. Being hit with his fits or over the head with empty bottles of something he'd drunk that night. Kicked in places, leaving handprints on my face or around my neck if I dare tried to talk back or stand up for myself.

Going days, sometimes weeks without food. Everyone wondering where I was. Our father would say I was learning my place as a woman, that they should be proud. While the rest of the family would eat meals and say their prayers, and mom would sing her lullabies. Behind closed doors that's what happened to me, but outside, when I got to spend anytime with my siblings, we'd go on adventures. Jack would cause trouble, or pull pranks, and Mary and I were stuck being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

But we always had fun. He had a good heart, he was always a wonderful brother, to Marry and I. He was a troublemaker, but he had a good heart. Mother often would playfully scold him for playing with us before doing his chores. But he didn't want to work, he just wanted to play and have fun. Spread chaos wherever he went. Winter had always been my favorite season, and even more so the more I'd get beaten on.

I liked the cold, it was warm and comforting, it took the sting away, it healed me. Most people would say winter was unforgiving and sad, that it was hard to be out in the field, that it made it hard to bring in crops because everything would be dead. That it was the time that more people died. That winter was unforgiving and cold, and distant. Our father didn't know that Jack ever found out.

I'd gone out in the snow, I knew the consequences of not coming home, but after the night that we'd been chased by wolves, that we had to climb a tree to keep out of the way that I decided that was my mark. That I'd build a treehouse there. I'd been on my way to said treehouse after some time that father had beat me. He was asleep at the time that I'd left, I always left at night, and was back before dawn.

Had to sneak in and out from the window. The wolves quickly became my friends. Dog is man's best friend after all. They didn't seem to care that I wasn't literally a man, they loved me just the same. My mother was too blind by what was really going on, and knew not to speak up against him. Mary was too little and innocent to ever understand, but Jack was a smart boy.

He'd caught me climbing out and going into the forest area. Farrah?! He called after me, as I trudged trough the blizzard, wrapping my arms around me. No shoes nor coat. Just the cloak our mother had made us each. Nothing but the clothes on my back. I had been halfway to the treehouse I soon called a second home. With the wolves near to guard and watch it while I'd been away. Wolves are nothing more than big dogs. I'd gone and made them dog collars.

Gave them all names. They protected me and loved me like I was their kin, at least someone was there to show me some kind of affection. Killed things with a bow and arrow. Hunted for fruit mostly. I'd shot an arrow into a tree to be my mark to lead me to the treehouse. I loved to pretend that I was a wolf even. The wolves that once had chased us were soon my only real family.

It was too cold for me to continue the snow was too deep. I smelled the scent of my friends coming to find me. I smelled also a familiar forest kind of scent. If Christmas had a scent, it would be Jack's signature scent. When I was with him I always felt safe. I knew he was coming, that someone was coming and left myself to lie down into the snow. No gloves either, as I quickly wrote into the snow, follow the wolves, follow the arrows, they'll lead you to home.

When Jack came and found me, he'd picked me up in his arms, and read the message. I'd taught myself and the wolves sign language, they'd go and fetch me what I needed. When Jack came that night and took me to the treehouse, a place he'd never gone before, but had followed my instructions to find, he got us up into it. At first he had been scared of them, but realized there really hadn't been anything to be afraid of.

Once I woke up I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. At first I flinched and jumped, but then I felt a hand smooth down and pet my hair, as I heard a soft voice whisper that he'd never leave me, that he was gonna protect me, that as long as I was with him I'd be safe. I nodded against him. In my mind this was nothing more than a sweet angel coming to protect me. And in many ways he was. We'd always believed in people like Santa Clause, and the Easter Bunny, and the Sandman, and the Tooth Fairy, things like Pitch Black the nightmare king, who visited me plenty.

Jack was nothing but trouble, but he was my savior, my own personal angel. Farrah? I nodded my head and looked up at him as if to ask what. He looked down at me, holding me in arms hugging me, protecting me as he stroked my hair. You can speak, it's ok. My eyes just glistened with tears as I shook my head. Farrah, yes it's ok you can speak. He reassured me. Not if I'm gonna get hurt because of it I whispered softly.

Then tried to jump back, as I covered my mouth. But he wouldn't let me go. A part of me wanted to scream and cry out, to be afraid to tell him to let me go. But in my eyes he could see it. Whoever has hurt you, I'll protect you. I'll hurt them, I'll beat them up, I'll rip them apart and kill them with my own bare hands. They'll never hurt you again Farrah. Never!

I cried and cried. No, I signaled to him. The more I cried and struggled, my wolves began to growl. I turned to them, and gave them the stop motion. I used sign to tell them that it was ok, that he's a friend, my brother. They bowed their heads, and whimpered as if to say sorry. There were was one black one the leader of the pack, the rest of them were white or brownish red. The leader I had named Onyx, the others had too many names for me to tell you.

There were however, two white wolves with bright blue eyes that I'd named Poison, and Nightshade. I'd came to a liking of things that were dark. If there was something like goth back in the day I'd be that. The closet thing I found a liking to was the idea of witchcraft. I love the idea of magic, I'd gone and collected items and spell books but witchcraft was another taboo kind of thing back in the day, but I also kept a journal.

With what's been going on a day to day basis ever since the abuse started. In it also had a sign language chart. I had it locked away in a chest by my makeshift bed. I had a window seat and everything. And each year I'd add more to it, make it become more and more "modern." Time feels like it begins to slow down by the time Jack and I reach our teen years.

By the time we were about 12 I feared even more for my life. Not just because the abuse got worse, but it was Jack and I's little secret that he knew, up until when we turned 12 about 2 years later after he found out, and started taking the abuse for me. Our father had threatened that he'd kill me if I ever told anyone, but Jack told him that I didn't have to that he'd followed me out, and had taken care of me.

Dad thought that because of that Jack was a brat, and he didn't want anything to do with Mary, she got the better end of the deal. It was still bad for our father to say he didn't love us or care about us because of it. But being ignored was better than being abused. When we turned off age my father had picked a husband for me told him how to treat me. That he couldn't wait to get rid of me.

I started living in the treehouse. Day in and day out. I'd killed my fiancé out of self defense. He was between my father's age and Jack and I's age. They couldn't trace it back to me. I was a fast runner, had to be. And a quick healer, again had to be. Winter felt like home. Time slows down once again around the time Jack and I were 15 years old, the year was 1712. It had just turned, it was Januarys. A few months before we'd all gotten together and had a statue made of our family. The founder family, and put into the center of the village, for many years to come. Even as time progressed and time changed, our family statue was constant.

We'd gone out that day, to go ice skating. Mother had warned us to be carful. Jack was never careful. My father was out in the fields, he wouldn't have had to know. We weren't careful enough. The ice was thin that day. Jack had his shepherd like stick next to him, and had taken his skates off, the only shoes the two of us ever wore. We were playing Mary's favorite game, hopscotch. We played everyday.

It wasn't easy on Jack to see us scared. Which is one of the reasons why he caused so much trouble so much mischief his silly antics made Mary smile and laugh, and made even myself crack a smile every once in a while. But I was always warning him to be safe, scared if he'd ever hurt himself. As long as you're not getting hurt, I'll be fine. He'd say taking my hands in his own, and ruffling my hair.

To Mary and I Jack was a hero. He always told me he'd always be there for me. That nothing would hurt me when he was around, that when I'm with him I was safe. For the most part it was true. He got abused so that I wouldn't have to. Mary was always scared for her life. Without women rights there was literally nothing my mother could do to protect me, to protect us. She couldn't fight back or divorce him. He could've killed her, and women couldn't divorce their husbands it was against the law.

My mother always wondered what happened to him to make him so cruel, that he hadn't always been like that. But in my mind in my heart, I knew, I knew it was my fault. Jack had saved Mary and I when the ice started to crack, he'd switched places with her. I was left to go next. I was closer, he tried to reach out for me, but I was to afraid to take his hand. Jack if you switch places with me you'll die! I cried. I'll be ok. You can't promise that. Jack, we can't swim.

More important things to do than those silly things. He reminded me. But.... Besides rather me than you. Don't say that! I cried at him. If I die maybe father won't anyone to compare you to. You'll be safe. I shut up after that. I knew not to fight back. He switched places with me, he fell in. I tried to help him, but he was already too far down. I told Marry to go run and get help. But by the time people arrived it was too late. The nurse maids in the village took me in and warmed me up.

While everyone was sad and mourning, and were preparing a funeral for my brother, my father was drinking like almost usual. Mother's and father's locked their children up in the house, said it wasn't safe. Jack was wrong, after he died my father was worse to me then he ever was and now there was no one to protect me. Now that Mary would be having her 9th birthday in the spring, I can't remember her smiling again after.

My only friend, my brother gone. Aside from my sister who feared plenty for her life because of me and Jack how our father had abused me, and how Jack took the abuse to protect me. There was no one to protect us anymore, Mary blamed herself she'd been begging Jack to take us. My father blamed me. My mother just stayed home and cried and cried.

Mary couldn't bring herself to eat or to sleep, she got sick and passed away before her birthday. She was almost 9 years old. My mother died of sadness, and grief in the April that would've been our 16th birthday. When December came back around, it was nearing Christmas again, the moon shown so bright that night. Of course my father was drunk. No more Jack or Mary, or Elizabeth. Just myself and my father.

He'd beat me to death, then once I was dead took a pickaxe and drove a hole into the lake that Jack had drowned in the year now before, I died when I was 16, Jack when he was 15, Mary 8 he put me into the lake and watched me drown. The following evening was Christmas Eve. I heard a voice tell me it was the moon, I'd lost all my memories, I had no idea who I was. I rose out of the lake. He told me what day it was, I didn't know where I was, or what I was doing there.

He told me my name was Farrah Jade Frost, that there was another with that name a Jack Frost, that we were now bringers of Winter. A bow and arrow appeared beside me like magic. And inside had been a spell book. An old looking spell book, you know the ones the old leather, faded looking paper, one of those symbols of a star with a circle around it on the cover, with the golden like locks to keep it closed.

That I had the power of ice and snow and frost, controller of the wind and tides. Just like this other winter spirit, but also I could change my form into a wolf, and speak to all kinds of animals. That I would be found and taken care of. That a person by the name of Santa Clause would be coming, that he'd tell him to look for me. To take me home with him, and to adopt me as his own.

I felt dizzy, but not cold, I felt pain, but not frostbite. I had on a colonel like cloak, brown and worn, with a white undershirt. Long brown pants that cut off on the ankles. I slid the bow and arrows onto my back, but quickly passed out. The voice had told me it was the moon or more precisely the man in the moon, to call him Manny, or MIM. That someday he'd tell me more. But for now I should consider this Santa person family.

He came for me, he had looked for me. The sleigh came down. I was out cold. Manny she is so cold. He whispered to himself. I will do as you ask, take her in as my child. Love her like my own. In return though can I please know her story. Know who she is? The moon said nothing. Seeing the cuts, scars and bruises on my skin made him sad. Asked if since he wouldn't tell me if he could at least heal me. His reply had been that he could only do so much and that he'd gone and restored life into me.

She's a reincarnation? That's how my spirits are made you know? He'd said like he was teasing. She's a winter spirit her name is Farrah Jade Frost. One of the two bringers of winter. On your desk I have left you her original birth certificate. From there you'll be able to find her story. From what I can tell you is that even without past memories, which she will have to seek on her own, she'll be afraid of touch, to be hurt, she'll be like an angel. Will be able to speak with every kind of animal. To transform. I will tell who she is supposed to be now, but you must find out on your own who she was, as should she.

Pitch knows her well, at your home I've set up a new room for the girl, the yetis will have to decorate and build upon it, I have cast a spell on the room in question that he can't get to her. He has children of his own, shapeshifters, they knew her back in the day, were her friends. Themselves and his wife aren't evil, but you know that Pitch is, even if he didn't always used to be. Protect her from him. Always, he replied.

Come my angel, we're going to your new home. I didn't know everything, I didn't know much of anything, but the other thing he would now be told was that yes I could speak, but I know sign, like Sandy, that she can but that I would choose not to. Because of my past, to be patient with me always, to never raise a harmful hand to me. As if he ever would. That he promised to treat me like the daughter he never had but had always wanted.

He took me back, and I was to soon meet the others. Not now, and not too soon, but soon enough. He reassured me that he loved me. The yetis fixed me up the room, he'd laid me in bed that night, I had a spell cast on me to keep me safe from Pitch always. That I knew magic, and could preform it greatly. That my weapon of choice was a bow and arrow. That I had a full wardrobe of dark clothing placed in it. Everything would be set and ready for when I'd wake up. Then I could be introduced to my new father.

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