Allow me to introduce

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Once everyone got over their shock Tooth was first to get all excited. Fluttering right into Mrs. Bennet's face. Making the poor woman uncomfortable asking her about her teeth and if she flossed if she was brushing regularly if they were as white and pretty as kids teeth.

Though I can't really blame her she is the Tooth Fairy but she was overwhelming her just like she once overwhelmed me. She was so excited to see that they were. And yet to pull the attention off Jamie's poor mother Jack pulled her attention onto him whether he was sure he wanted to do that or not.

Hey Tooth personal space he told her getting her attention. You can look at her teeth later but how about for now..... He paused a moment and normally wouldn't been this sheepish giving her what she wanted which was his smile with his pretty sparkly white teeth.....

Except the fact that he had given her permission as the only one of them and the only one of them that knew the truth of the device from before to get him smile and laugh and show his smile to her whenever she wanted to see it but said it anyways that she could look at his teeth instead.

Thankfully it worked the way it wanted it to work and not beyond that. Though I couldn't help but grin at how sheepish he was being around her and the last time this had happened. Though can't really blame him thanks to Onyx and they wanted him to know he could trust them.

That none of them would ever hurt us and that we were safe with them. That we could get the attention and affection we wanted but also say when we'd had enough before we get too overwhelmed. But for now this was fine as many of the mini tooth fairies swooned and fainted.

While I rolled my eyes at such a sight. I could've totally had been THAT sister and gave her what she really wanted and brush my fingers at his sides from behind him but I wasn't that kind of a sister I'm not evil it's not like my dad's Pitch Black. Though I'm surprised when Onyx doesn't.

That he doesn't do any of these things just because he's just as if not more mischievous than Jack himself. They're kind of perfect for each other. While the others were distracted Mrs. Bennet had questions for Bunny like the fact that he was in fact the Easter Bunny.

And it wasn't long before he was telling her about how the last 4 years or so she'd been helping him paint eggs around Easter. How he would come for her and she would tire herself out and he would bring her back. How had she not noticed her daughter was missing around that same time for hours the last 4 years.

And said if he would have her she'd like to come see that next year. He agreed then also invited her to the annul Christmas party at North's thought we'd like that. And then decided that we all better intro ourselves by our full given names. Starting with North.

So St. Nickolas and how he was E. Aster Bunnymund. How Tooth was Toothina Sandy was Sanderson Mansnoozie and of course they knew that Jack and I were Jackson Edward Overland Burgess Frost and that I was Farrah Jade Overland Burgess. Frost. Jack ended. She's my twin sister.

Fine Frost Bunny rolled his eyes. Far be it to him to argue about our names and what we wished to be called. Though Jack picked up where he left off North said they were guardians and Jack said what we were all guardians of. Like how he himself was fun. That I was courage.

North was Wonder Sandy was dreams Tooth was memories and that Bunny was hope but said he was a kangaroo which got him knocked off his perch standing on the perch of his staff no thanks to Bunny's boomerang. Though Jack staying up there anyways wasn't helpful because of Onyx.

See what Onyx had done is he likes to invent things he can test on Jack made for Jack and yet make sure they never fell into the wrong hands or used too often. As he doesn't need to give Jack a reason not to trust him or his sisters. He sneakily blew black dust at Jack.

This particular black dust swirled around him like fancy sparkles as Jack bat them away but they hit him anyways and left him rolling on the floor laughing once again. Though he was just laughing there was no added tickly feeling it was just laughter at least for now.

Onyx?! He called his name as he burst out laughing. Leaving the others confused but still grinning at the sight. Onyx seemed to be only one that seemed to be able to tame the wild winter spirit by any means necessary. As long as those means didn't hurt him. Keep him out of trouble.

He can't get into trouble if he's laughing too hard. But there was a side affect which I learned the hard way. He was batting them away and his hand tapped at me. I learned the hard way that the black giggle sparkles were contagious based on touch like a disease.

I was on the floor laughing along side of them. What a sight this must've had to have been. Jack?! You did that on purpose. I tried my best to whine at him though it was hard through my laughter. Though he was sorry and said it was an accident he didn't feel bad about it.

Felt even if it wasn't an accident if he infected me even if he didn't know it would that that I could get Onyx to turn it off as if it were one of his devices. Hm it still needs work it wasn't meant to do that oh well. He smirked back at us at the sight we were. Onyx please I asked him.

Oh alright. He kneeled down next to us and blew the dust away at us we laid there trying to catch our breath. Once we were calm he helped us to our feet. And the rest of the morning went on as if that hadn't even happened. And Jack and Bunny even went back to bickering.

Such as Bunny deserved it and asking how he knew his full name but then North reminding us that we showed them our memories and the moon said so as well. And Jack was never going to forgive the moon for leaving him alone all this time. One thing lead to another and we were asking about seeing the attic.

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