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It was just as everyone said. Sandy teaching North and the others sign in order to communicate with me. The animals around the workshop were like having a bunch of siblings, Sandy and Bunny were kind of like uncles and Tooth kind of acted like a mom. Just like North promised he was keeping his promise of being the best dad ever giving me what I wanted when I wanted.

I felt like a real princess. I haven't made any progress speaking verbally but they took their time with me. Also as promised I never had any bad dreams. But we kind of expected that. This Pitch fellow they said was long gone. That they took care of him, and that he wouldn't be coming back hopefully ever. But kids are always afraid of something, and you can't keep every child in the world from having bad dreams.

But with the power of the MIM keeping his own promise with his magic he protected me in my room by making sure that this figure could never hurt me. I felt so much like a princess that it became my nickname. My dad called me his little princess all the time. I never asked for much but he always gave me everything. I wish I knew why they all acted the way that they did.

For whatever the reason I seemed to really like the cold, and that I was terrified of anything wet. And the only human contact that I got from anyone was in sign. After a month of me living in the North Pole and previously having Tooth come over with a cleansing spell North decided he try and convince me to take a bath.

I'd watch him turn on the water, and I'd shake my head in tremble in fear. What if I added something to the water to make it look more fun? He asked me. "Like what?" I'm sure I've got some bath gear lying around in this place somewhere like little water toys and bubble bath. "Can my bubbles be purple?" Whatever color you want princess, I'll run it for you and you can test the temp while you wait for it to warm up I'll send some of my elves to go fetch the bath toys.

I kind of felt like a little kid, but at the same time I wasn't sure what that felt like. You take a bath and relax in the water and clean up and when you are done dry off and get into your pjs and I'll wait in your room and you'll get into bed and I'll tell you a story. I nodded my head and he left me alone. After I was relaxed I felt the water grow cold. The water froze around me.

While I'd been in there Tooth had been over she was discussing something with North. He looked towards the bathroom every now and then and got worried when I hadn't came out. Tooth will you go in there and check to make sure she's ok? She flew to the bathroom and knocked on the door. Farrah? Are you alright? When she heard noises of struggling she saw my body one covered in bubbles and the water had frozen over me, with me laying down in a relaxed position in the water.

OMG! She reached for the towel and then used the cleansed spell the towel was wrapped around me like it was wrapping itself around my body and another towel magically ruffled my hair and then zap poof and shimmer I was in m pjs. Tooth is everything al.... He *gasped* in shock when he saw my lips turning blue and me shivering.

How did this happen? I'm not sure I came in and heard noises of struggling and she was slipping under the water. I grabbed a towel and the spell and the spell did the rest. I think we'll need some enchanted items around here. Kind of like an enchanted castle. I hear the little girl could also learn magic from her past. That she did often collect magic spell books.

I think she made the water freeze North. Is possible is very, very possible. She is a winter spirit after all. He said holding his hand to his chin. She'll learn to use them soon. For now let's get her warmed up and get her into bed. I crawled into bed and laid down. North always told me cool stories about the olden days and how he and the other guardians came to be and about their adventures and their battles against Pitch.

Goodnight princess sweet dreams he'd tell me before kissing my forehead and I'd turn over and go to sleep. Then one morning..... I screamed. There was something different about me. North came into my room and asked me what was wrong. What's wrong princess? Are you hurt? I shook my head and held my wrist out to him. How strange. I whimpered when a bright light shimmered on my chest.

After it went away on my wrist was a snowflake like symbol kind of like a tattoo, and then around my neck was a silver chain with a snowflake symbol. Then we heard a voice. That tattoo on her arm is like one other, and one more like it but a sunflower the two winter spirits will have snowflakes on their wrists and the spring spirit the sunflower in addition they will also have the same symbol on a necklace these are the only 3 I'm gifting with these they are part of the same family.

It will make sense when her counter part soon arrives. But soon in that previous 300 years I was telling you about. Be aware this is NOT the last time you will encounter Pitch. But worry not on the back of Farrah's necklace is my moon shape that unique symbol makes it so that Pitch or anyone evil can't harm her in anyway.

From that day on that's exactly what happened as if it wasn't happening already. And like promised it was kind of like living in an enchanted castle. What's a castle without a princess? That's where I come in. A castle kind of like beauty and beast but instead of a beast it's Santa Clause and instead of Belle his Christmas angel.

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