Where am I?!

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While I was asleep, North had gone to go summon the guardians. Since its before Jack, he won't be there. And it's before anything that Pitch would be doing. Since it was also 300 years prier to the movie.

Hello friends, good to be seeing you. What's the matter North? Yeah, shouldn't you be out right now doing your job? I finished quickly. I was done with my job very quickly tonight. He says rubbing his eyes, and then pinching the bridge of his nose.

Why Tooth asked him, while meanwhile still spouting out tooth locations to her fairies. Please Tooth focus. Manny has gifted me a miracle. What do you mean? Bunny asked him. While Sandy showed a ? above his head. T: Hm Sandy might be able to help, he can teach me sign, only problem is that he uses his sand pictures not real sign language.

North? Tooth called to him. What's on your mind mate? Bunny asked him. What happened? A girl. All: A girl?! What kind of girl? Tooth asked him. Who is she? Bunny asked him. Sandy had a picture of a moon above his head. Manny left me details about who she is now, and a little bit about her previous life, but she has to find out on her own who she was.

Why can't we just give her, her memories now? I haven't had the chance to look her story yet, I decided to summon you as quickly as possible. Well, we're here. Yeah, where's the girl? This way follow me, the yetis put a room together for her, and Manny said he cast a spell on her room so that Pitch couldn't give her nightmares, since in her past life they were "good friends." That poor girl.

He shouldn't be much of a problem for now, maybe not again, but then again what do I know after all children will always have nightmares, or other bad dreams, we just don't have the power to keep his effects of his powers from all the children in the world no matter how hard Sandy tries, no matter how much work he does.

But she is protected by the moon. Is she gonna become a guardian? Bunny asked him. No, at least not yet, she'll get the option if she wants it, but right now, she is sound asleep, with no memories other than anything than Manny told her. Let's go check her story.

They go into the office and find the info that Manny has very gratefully left for them. My original birth certificate and story about what happened to me death wise. OMG! Tooth gasped in horror. What is it what's wrong Toothy? North asked her placing a hand on her shoulder as she carefully ran her fingers over my certificate with tears in her eyes.

Who is she? Bunny asked her. Farrah Jade Overland Burgess. She said in one rushed breath. Who? Her father founded the town that her family lived in. Lived in past tense? Then there was a fog, and a dark figure appeared. They all began to go in fight stance. Do not be alarmed, it is I Bob the Grim Reaper.

Oh, hello there Bob. Have we somehow summoned you? North asked him. You're talking about peoples deaths that's my forte. This girl, yes everyone in her family is dead. She had a twin brother that risked his life to protect theirs. He had a little sister too, he fell into the lake that you found her on, about a year ago. The little sister died that following spring she only made it to her 8th birthday she was almost 9.

Her parents were kind, up until a certain time of her life. At some point their father had a change of heart, and became abusive toward the oldest daughter. Since she wasn't a boy and more disappointed that his youngest was girl also. Since girls can't work. No one knew that he did this to her, because the father threatened his daughter that if she told someone he'd kill her.

Her brother found out about all of this some winter night, she's friends with wolves and will have the ability to speak with animals. She killed her abusive fiancé out of self defense, he was between the girls age and her fathers age her father told him to abuse her, she was sent to him when she turned 13. Her mother died of grief her father soon at some point or another became an acholic.

Now that everyone else in her family was gone and there was no one to protect her since her brother soon always protected her and took the abuse so that she wouldn't. For some reason even in death she will be drawn to Burgess and she has a treehouse she built, that she will also be drawn to even with her lack of memories. Also with lack of memories of her past she will fear touch, and be afraid to speak, since women were made to be looked at and not to speak, not to talk back or break the rules.

Or they get hurt, North recalls rubbing a crease between his eyebrows. She knows sign. Sandy put a ! above his head and then an arrow pointing at himself then to the others. So that he would help the others to communicate with her. You should recognize her. She's at the top of your nice list, and her brother the top of the naughty list. However with a pure heart, but causes mischief.

A spirit is born a year ago today, her brother he also has no memories of his past life, but he too also will fear touch, not to mention also the water, just like his sister. Since that's how they died. Oh, yeah um her father beat her to death, and drove a pickax into the lake that her brother died in to drown her dead body, and is also now dead from in other words being an acholic. But she did have other family, their aunt had a baby, who will grow up, and have his own kids and so on and so forth leaving the decedents of said children and will live in a modern version of their home.

The kids will later help you defeat an old enemy in about 300 years. And oh also the little sister she is also an immortal spirit and will help bring spring. Keep an eye out for her and the other brother. You will welcome him in about 300 years, and the sister in about 304. Why that long? Why not now? North asked him. You don't need them yet, it won't matter to the boy touch wise since he and his sister aren't believed in and will pass through them all for that long.

They'll want to be believed in but also fear touch. They won't want to be alone anymore, and will want that human contact, but you will know more of him then of the sister. Right now you know him of his past name Jackson Edward Overland Burgess. But it is not my job to tell you who he is now.

Why are you telling us so much now? Thought I'd give you a heads up, and tell you her story, well my work here is done. Bye everybody. He disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. Now that he's gone what do we do now? Bunny asked. Then there was a loud scream. As they all ran to my room. When they came in I had tears in my eyes, and I was scared. It's ok Shelia we're friends. We won't hurt you. Bunny tried to reassure me.

Yeah, what's your name sweetie? Tooth tried to ask me. Friends, friends. North calmed them down. Please.... Thank you. Don't forget that she's scared to speak. "Who are you?" "Where am I?" I signed. Sandy? North questioned. He turned to them, and put a ? above all of their heads, then an arrow at all of them. Then a ? then a picture of a house.

Don't be afraid little one, Tooth cooed coming closer to me. Toothy. North called trying to stop her. Sh, maybe she's onto somethin' mate. Bunny encouraged. Hi, my name is Tooth and I'm the tooth fairy these little ones are my baby tooth fairies and we collect teeth. "You're very pretty." I signed to her. She gave me a confused look. I signed to the golden person for pen and paper.

He showed these icons to the other guardians. Who got me what I needed. I wrote what I signed. Oh, thank you. She said fluffing her feathers, smoothing them out. This golden fellow is Sandy he's the sand man he brings good dreams to people he tries his best to anyways even though he gives you good dreams he can't stop Pitch Black the nightmare king, but the moon or as we like to call him Manny he cast a spell on you to make you not be effected by Pitch, or get nightmares.

This big bunny like character is Bunny and he's the Easter bunny. I bet you can guess what he does. And this loveable big oath is your new dad North aka Santa Clause. He's gonna be a great dad. Thank you Toothy. "New?" I question. Uh yeah that's a long story, he says rubbing a hand behind his neck. Not a story for right now. But as for your second question, you are now living in the North Pole. In a workshop correction THE workshop where I make toys, and I yetis and elves here to help me.

Now, normally I'm the one that does the gift giving but tonight Manny gave me a gift, and that was you. You're my daughter now, and like Tooth said I'm gonna be the best dad ever and love you like the daughter I've never had, until now that is. I'll give you whatever you want whenever you want, and Sandy is gonna teach the rest of us sign. Cause you can't exactly drag your pen and paper everywhere you go.

"True." I gesture doing kind of the half and half motion. No one is gonna hurt you here, and you can talk if you want to that is. I shook my head. In time maybe then. We'll take care of you like as if we're one big happy family. Welcome home.

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