Why aren't you afraid of me

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Meanwhile in the cave.....

Well, well, well who do we have here? He asked circling around me while I was in a cage cowering in fear. A feeling that was familiar to me oddly enough and I have no idea why. I have never been able to get to you give you nightmares.

And now I know why. A little piece of silver that is no longer around your neck. But also that shiny silver thing on your wrist. I felt something move my arm outward so Pitch could get a closer look at it. Oh would you look at that.

A little snowflake. Hm? Now who else does that remind me of? Oh yes a certain winter spirit by the name of Jack Frost. I think I've also seen this symbol on him as well. Some weirdo connection perhaps? I pull my arm back and turn my head.

Oh dear he uses an evil sarcastic kind of tone. There's no need to be afraid of me little one. Sure my minions kidnapped you and everyone is going to totally be taking it out on dear old Jack. I look up at that.

Oh yes poor Jack all he ever wanted a family to be seen after 300+ years. To be believed in. You know he reminds me a lot of myself in that way. And maybe even you. Because just like us you want to be loved. I point at myself.

Yes you my dear. I watched as he circled the cage felt him brush my hair as he faded into it. I Whimpered and moved away from him. I'm not going to hurt you Farrah you don't need to be afraid of me. After all you won't let anyone hurt me.

You don't like others getting hurt. You'd rather take the hit so that others don't but they keep getting in the way to protect you themselves. Like your friend Jack. And your poor friend Bunnymund or to you just Bunny.

For the last 300+ years he's tried so desperately to be your friend. And yet for some unknown reason you're afraid of him. Jack seems to know the same feeling. I give him a questioning look. Oh you don't know? He asks me.

Wanting to be believed in want kids to be able to reach out and touch him but sure how he would feel about it. Still not sure how he feels about contact from the guardians. Yet he didn't flinch when it looked like Bunny was gonna hurt him.

He just stood there and took it even though he never actually made contact. I wonder where this fear comes from? I have to say in some ways that makes you very strong. Perhaps if you were a guardian that would be your center.

I turn and shake my head. After all it takes a lot of strength to stand up to someone like me. And you have a lot of power. You with all your spell books and bow and arrows as your weapon of choice. That pretty little bracelet on your wrist.

You can transform into a wolf. You can speak sign. You don't like loud noises or people fighting. There's a part of touch that you don't like but are unsure why. But you love animals. And you love movies and music. Afraid of the water.

You and Jack appear to have a lot in common with each other. You even look very much alike. In some features look similar to Mary Springs. As much as I can tell anyways. Anyways I bet you want these don't you?

He asked tossing something around in his hand up and down. A sly evil smirk on his face. I point at them. Oh these you want to know what these are? He asked me looking at them and back at me. These are what I've been collecting.

They're memory tubes. They have children's teeth in them. These are yours. I handed off Jack's to him. Do you want to see them? I nod at him. Are you sure? You may see something you don't want to know. I frowned and rubbed my arm.

You're not sure are you? I shake my head because I was scared. Well lucky you I have no idea how they work. I can give them to you but you won't be able to activate them. He slid his hand through the bar and hands it to me.

I put it in my hoodie pocket. I sat Chris Cross and closed my eyes. A light eloped me. What are you doing? Pitch carefully questioned me. Not sly not evil not mean just as a question. And suddenly I had my art supplies. Ah I see.

He hadn't tried to hurt me or scare me. I think he wanted to. But I think he could tell that I wasn't afraid of him. That I was very willing to take whatever abuse he was gonna cause me as a concept that seemed familiar to me.

You're not afraid of me? He questioned me. I shake my head. Why? He frowned at me. I shrugged. Clearly you must be some kind of angel. To see some kind of good in me or at the very least not be afraid of me. To not want anyone hurt.

To not even want me to get hurt. Something you went through maybe in your past but something you don't remember. Now on that note.... Wait what exactly is it you're doing? "I draw things" I wrote on the paper.

"Drawings, stories, tattoos." Tattoos? He asked me. "Like the thing I have on my wrist." I rolled up my sleeve. "Jack and I have these tattoos on us. And these necklaces." Yes I understand. He nods at me. Is there more to this story?

"I wish I knew." "I'd like to know more about my past." And I bet Jack would too. And I nodded my head. I wasn't sure where I was but he was now in the South Pole I think. I knew this would happen

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