Spring brought to you by winter's sister

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Mary asked him where we were going but we both flinched over the loud noise. Onyx felt me flinch. OT: You ok? He asked me. Mary wanted to know where we were going she had to raise her voice over the wind. I told him. Loud noises = not good for Jack or I.

OT: Sorry. He frowned back. Not that I could see his face but it came out like a sad whine. We'll be ok Onyx I've been in enough pain for the last 300 years I need to move on. Have some courage. Be brave. I can't be afraid anymore. OT: Some fear is a good thing keeps you safe.

He'd said back. Not for the guardian of courage. I muttered back. Even when I am afraid of everything. I heard Jack tell her that we were going to meet our co workers. That she probably never thought she was going to meet the Easter Bunny. Her eyes widened in shock.

Over the wind I could still hear them talking. I could hear her disbelief and awe in her voice same as Jack could with her excitement that we worked with the Easter Bunny. And then he told her that my father figure was Santa Claus. She was even more impressed by that.

I told you Farrah and I are guardians. I'm the guardian of fun and Farrah is the guardian of courage. No surprise on either of your parts. It was always fun with you you were never serious. And Farrah had to be so brave to put up with the abuse and not tell anyone.

That wasn't being brave that was fear of being killed. I called over to her. He still killed you though so it was all for nothing not until Manny brought us back to life to have an immortal life. And then I screamed and she screamed when Jack took a nose dive down.

Little to no warning I was scared for her and she was scared when he went down like that. But he was having fun. We followed after them in a steady pace so that I wouldn't be scared. We tried to scold him when we landed where Bunny lived but his laughter was contagious.

Mary laughed along with him while I rolled my eyes. Come on lighten up he nudged me it wasn't you that I plummeted down with. And see we're both fine. You know this whole fun and games and not being serious thing is only a mask. I started.

But he wasn't listening. He'd knocked on the tree that was the entrance to Bunny's house and then pulled us back around. You act like you don't care but really you care more than anyone else. You crave attention whether it's good or bad. That's why all the pranks. All the chaos.

Hey just shush for a sec ok analyze me later. This is what I do. Yeah it's a coping mechanism. I scolded him. He put a finger to my lips when we heard foot steps because that's what having abusive parents teaches you how to listen to foot steps.

I didn't like the idea of pranking Bunny he was intimidating and reminded me of our dad. I squeezed his hand and cowered behind him. Bunny looked out but didn't see us. He thought maybe Jack was pulling another prank on him. Until he stepped into eye sight.

An innocent smile on his face asking him what he was doing here. Oh you know fancy seeing you here in your own home. I thought rolling my eyes. And when he was about to start scolding him he saw how I cowered by him and then saw Mary.

Jack called her a little girl which she was but she was very mature for her age. She didn't think she was so little. And at first Bunny was confused because he thought he was another believer and we should've warned him about her. But she wasn't exactly which confused him more.

We told him it was our sister and we laughed at his expression. Oh no don't tell me that oh no oh no MIM give me strength not a 3rd frostbite. He moaned and groaned. We all laughed. A sound that was foreign to the other guardians and slightly to my brother and sister.

But they had heard on rare occasions especially when Jack was involved. When I wasn't too busy scared for the both of us. Thankfully our father had for the most part ignored our sister and Jack started taking the abuse after he found out.

Which was another reason for how he is the way he is. We were both treated the same but Jack took a more optimistic approach. He protected us protected me. And wanted to give us as much fun as he could. To give us good memories.

He didn't mind taking the pain as long as neither me nor Mary had to. And he keeps it all bottled up. But this laughing felt good sometimes. Bunny was also a little suspicious that Onyx and his sisters were there but since they helped against their father judgement would wait.

We then decided it was a good as any to intro our sister to the Easter Bunny. But then we told him she was the spring spirit. And he all but lost it. Claiming spring was no longer safe. Jack scoffed. An eyebrow raised. While the rest of us snickered. But Onyx spoke up.

It was safe before? He asked mimicking the look on Jack's face. Onyx is right you know how I like to make it snow on Easter Sunday. Now can we come in or what it's cold out here? That's cause ya two are here both ya are winter spirits. We may not feel the cold but Mary does.

Please she's just a kid. And Onyx's littlest sister is her same age. I don't trust you 'round the Warren if you all are coming in you have to promise to behave. He warned Jack. He was surprised when Jack agreed so easily. Come on Mary Onyx and sisters Farrah.

Jack led us inside where it was warm. I wasn't sure this was a good idea. Mary and Poison were singing and dancing around together happy as little kids could be when they heard we were going to see the Warren. It warmed Bunny's heart. Hey Bunny turned to me. I flinched at first.

You should laugh more its good for you. He snickered. Don't think I've heard you do that. Jack used to say that a lot. Tell me to laugh more say it was good for me. That he may be right about. He put his hand out to ruffle my hair but I flinched when he reached out.

I'm not gonna hurt ya. He frowned his ears drooping. I was just gonna ruffle your hair a little. You're ok kid. He nudged me. You all have been around for like 300 or so years when did she become a spirit? He asked us. But before either of us could he sent the girls down a tunnel.

Poison wasn't afraid she thought it was fun but Mary's happy laughter turned into screams as I couldn't find the words to leave my mouth only panicked noises before Jack and I raced forward down the hole to grab her and bring her back to the surface.

Jack held her in his arms and scolded Bunny for scaring her like that. This was a side he'd never seen of Jack but a side both of us had always seen of him. Caring and protective. Sure he was protective over Jamie but this was different. He whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

Your sister ok? He turned to Onyx. Once Mary was calmed down and playing with the little eggs like nothing had happened. Yeah Poison was having a blast. So what do your sisters do? Bunny asked Onyx. Nightshade makes planets but more really the poisonous ones.

And for the most part she makes potions and poisons and does Dr. stuff. She learns to work with poisons and medicines and to understand them. Poison helps put plants to sleep when its around fall or winter. Kind of like a sleeping poison when its their time to wilt.

As for me I do what my father is supposed to do had he been a guardian. A little fear is a good thing to keep people safe and to use caution. Only giving people bad dreams when they deserve them like doing something they shouldn't had done or after watching a scary movie.

My mother Flicker sees the good in everyone. She is also the summer spirit. She appears like she's on fire and she wears red and black. My sisters and I we don't have an evil bone in our bodies. We take after our mother. My father is nice to us if that makes a difference.

Then we all sat together watching the younger sisters play together with the eggs as we sat in the grass. I leaned up against Jack as he pulled his legs up to his chest with a frown on his face. You ok? I asked him. A hand on his knee. You wanted to know why Mary looks so young?

He asked Bunny. Jack pulled his hood up over his head. His staff next to him keeping distance between pretty much everyone else like some kind barrier. Bunny had nodded while Onyx and Nightshade turned to listen as well.

None of the 3 of them liked the sadness laced in his tone of voice. That tears that glistened in his eyes as I laid a hand on his back. Bunny narrowed his eyebrows while the other two looked concerned. It's all my fault.  

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