Sing me a song of my past

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When we got there Jamie was surprised to see us and again so soon. But we were here for urgent business. Though at the beginning it didn't seem like it when we told him why we were there. Well Jamie believe it or not we're here talk to you about our family linage.

Ok so what does that have to do with me? We'll find out in a moment possibly. But we were hoping that our linage didn't end with us 3. So we came all this way to ask you if your mom ever sang you guys a lullaby. I've never personally heard it when we were back in our time.

I was always locked up in my room any time our mother sang it to them it was muffled and I had to listen through the walls. Yeah she sang one to us did you want me to sing it? Yes please if you would? So again you came all this way from wherever you were to hear me sing a song?

Well ok but I only know the first verse if that. When he couldn't finish the res Jack joined in with him. It seemed my siblings were happily surprised to hear the song again afer all this time and spoken from someone other than our mother.

Jamie on the other hand was surprised we knew the song at all since it had been passed down from generation to generation of his family. And then we told him about the letter from our past which basically told him that he was somehow related to us.

Though of course not me or my siblings directly since we died as children. Though it was nice to know our linage hadn't ended with us. That there had been more of us out there somewhere. I sat on the bed and listened quietly while the 3 of them sang the song following Jack's lead.

Are you ok? Onyx whispered to me joining me at my side while his siblings sat on either side of me a hand on my back. You look upset. I'm ok really I frowned placing my hands in my lap. It's just I can't sing along. IDK it and it's a song my mother used to sing to them.

I only heard it through the walls it was muffled. They did this every night and it's been passed down through the rest of our family. It's my family's song but IDK it and that kind of makes me feel sad. I missed out on so much because of our father. And it wasn't fair.

I tried my best not to start crying but I couldn't help it. It just wasn't fair. I pushed my palm to my eye to try and keep the tears from falling Onyx stroked my hair pushing my head to his shoulder. As my siblings thought back on it.

Like how Jack didn't like that last verse so much anymore because of how he died. And they thought about the time Jack protected us from wolves though they had never scared me they had really only ever been the only friends and family and affection I ever had.

We will always be there for you he whispered to me. Meanwhile Jack had been talking about how he caught Bunny in one of his sneer traps back in the day and would totally do it again with Jamie's help if he had say rope they made plans Mary rolled her eyes.

And then his mom came in to tell him to go to bed. But then he tried to tell his mom we were related and told her about the song and with Jack's help tried to sing the song only for his mom to have so many questions about that and the most unlikely of answers.

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