See through my eyes

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His mom asked Jamie where he heard the song. But Jamie insisted he was telling her the truth. Tell us what our full names were and how we died. Jack said. No Jack please I begged him. I cried as I clung to him. Tell her my story Jamie. He corrected.

He gave our full names and said how Jack died in the lake. But she would need proof to believe just like Jamie had. He asked Jack to do what he had done to get him to believe. Actually it was my sister that helped you remember? But yeah I can do the same thing.

We made ice and snow and frost figures from the window and brought them to life as they danced around before bursting into snowflakes and then we hoped she could see us. It was then we knew it had worked. She looked at us like we had seen a ghost.

We intro ourselves with our overdue manners. She asked if we were all really related which was a tricky question give our circumstances. Since neither of us had kids of our own. We told her about the letter that explained it all.

Of course then after getting a good look at us she asked why we were so thin. But the question made me feel bad and we ignored it and started telling the story or would've if it weren't for our memories. We were gonna show them our past.

We all joined hands together. Are you sure about this? I asked him. I am. He nodded. Ok then so am I. I slowly nodded my head with him. Be brave he squeezed my hand. I will do my best. We first tried to explain the concept of how you can only see if you believe.

Talked about his sister and our friends. Before we got started since it looked like there were gaps in between. Things started off ok. Dad hadn't always been like this at least before Mary came along. But still I wasn't in many memories. Dad had been proud of little Jack throwing a snowball at old man Tommy.

Jack told a story to dad of him hitting him in the face with a snowball and running into the woods. They asked if that little boy had been Jack and wondered where I was since it seemed our dad looked happy and we were so little at this point. Yeah he does doesn't he?

Well Mary wasn't born yet. He was more upset when she came around because he had two daughters and one son so he only had me to help him work but I didn't like to work I wanted to play. Which was frustrating to him. But for some reason he took it out on Farrah.

And then I heard the song Jack was singing it to Mary and I was still nowhere to be seen. Mary asked about how Jack said she didn't cry a lot he told her she would've had he not sang to her all the time. We felt our sister got the better half of the deal she was ignored instead of abused.

There were memories of this with me. My abuse me listening in through the walls to try and hear the song. Mom telling them I was learning my place as a woman. How women were to be seen and not heard unless spoken to. A lot of yes sir yes ma'am no sir no ma'am.

A lot of crying sobbing and pain and sorrow. My siblings innocent to all of it. The time we were in the forest and the wolves chased us. Jack always tried to protect us from danger. But I was fast enough. Jack warned me to look out the wolves just wanted to play.

I often spent my days collecting spell books practicing spells talking to animals making friends with the wolves teaching myself sign and the wolves and my siblings as well. Me being sneaky in my like for witchcraft. The town healer "witch" teaching me magic.

There was the time where dad tried to marry me off to someone between Jack and I's age and told him to abuse me. But I killed him in self defense. The time Jack found out the truth and started taking the hit so that I didn't. The warning dad had given me about how he'd kill Jack if I told him the truth.

Dad drinking and abusing us while he ignored Mary. Our mother warning us to be careful out there the day Jack died and Christmas had just come and gone and we had gotten skates. We had entered the scene where we played hopscotch. But while we were saved Jack drowned.

She didn't want to watch I never wanted to start. When the wolves had come for us they ran right through us we explained when we weren't seen that people walk through you and get just a chill when it happened to Jack. It was then Jamie remembered he had walked through Jack at some point.

We couldn't be seen in our memories. Everything went right through us. At seeing all of it again I sobbed and cried and shook like a leaf I was so scared at remembering what happened to me to us that I wanted to throw up. They saw how the kids got locked up after Jack died.

How Mary got sick and wouldn't sleep. That we didn't have anyone to take care of us or protect us. When our mother died of heartbreak. Then it was just the two of us my father and I. He got drunk killed me with a pickax drove a hole into the ice where Jack had died the winter before and then drank himself to death.

Mary and I we couldn't take it. We were back in Jamie's room now. His mother was disgusted by what she had seen. How I shook and Mary cried how Jack comforted us. We had managed to get her to believe in Mary during halfway through and talked to her about Pitch Black and his kids.

How they turned out to be my wolf friends and my only friends. How they protected me when Jack couldn't. Kept me safe when no one else was around. His mom decided to be more hospitable and wondered why we were all skin and bones. Mentioned how skinny we were.

You saw our past. I pointed out. Though I had for the last 300 or so years a family that loved me and took care of me while I never spoke till ove the course of the last 4 years when I met Jack and we became friends. But I was fed 3 meals a day.

But we were spirits and we didn't have to eat and didn't gain weight. But she didn't like that answer. Asked Jack when he had a last proper meal. He asked if a plate of cookies counted but she said no because it wasn't healthy and they were once again horrified to hear it had been over 300 years since then and this simply wouldn't do. But at least this was all over again and I had the feeling she was about to feed us. 

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