Easter is ruined

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Everything looked happy little eggs everywhere. Kids everywhere and the guardians were there. But Bunny was upset and scared. He'd had a little basket of new eggs. He tried to interact with the kids. As they looked for his eggs.

I don't understand one child was saying. Maybe he just hid them really well this year said another. There aren't any eggs, let's go home. They were giving up, giving up looking, on hope, on him. Not seeming to find a single thing.

Kids wait he called out to them but he seemed to go unheard. There's nothing here. The children were giving up on looking for them. Yes, there are they're right here. They're not my best but they'll do in a pinch he was saying.

He tried to give them hope as he held one up in his hand taking one out of the mini basket he'd prepared last min. Sad looks on the kids faces. I don't believe it. Yeah, I know Bunny was saying. Before his heart shattered.

There's no such thing as the Easter Bunny. No, wait mate I'm right here. Then he got walked through. Just like Jack had been his whole life and me my whole life. They can't see me?! Bunny frowned laying his ears down flat.

When was the last time anyone didn't believe in him? Jack flies down as the others come over to Bunny to comfort him. But where were they when Jack needed them all these years? Nowhere. But he wasn't a guardian why should they care?

Jack where were you?! Dad asked. The nightmares came they came through the tunnels crushed every egg crushed every basket. Nothing made it to the surface. Dad said upset sounding defeated. And then Tooth came over. She saw the teeth.

Both of them. Where did you get those? She asked him. And that? She pointed at my necklace. Jack where are Baby Tooth and Farrah?! What do you mean? You mean she's not with you? He looked for me.

That's why you were not here?! You were with Pitch?! No, wait she went to go get help she was supposed to come back to you guys. I found her necklace back in the warren she must've been kidnapped. But they wouldn't listen.

Dad got all angry as Jack backed up in fear. Oh Jack what have you done? She asked him. You don't understand he started. I'm sorry. He tried to tell them. He has to go! Bunny came up behind him.

Jack had never seen Bunny so angry before. What? He'd asked in disbelief. We never should've trusted you! He scolded Jack. As he raised his fist ready to strike but the fist never came down.

But Jack didn't flinch didn't even get out of the way. He just stood there and took it a familiar concept. Easter is about hope and new begins and now its gone. The guardians sulked off walking away. As Jack put my necklace in his hand.

He took the baby North out of his pocket dropping it on the grass leaving behind a dusting of frost where he stood. At Jamie's he was still looking for eggs and only found balls in the backyard none of them had, had any luck finding eggs.

Let's go check the park again he told his friends. For what the Easter Bunny? I'm telling you he's bigger than we expected. And he has these cool boomerang things. The rest of his friends groaned. What's the matter with you guys?

Come on grow up they told him. Really? They exclaimed. Wake up Jamie it was just a dream. His friends reminded him. You should be glad you still get dreams and not nightmares Cupcake finished for them. He really is real!

He called after them. Face it Jamie Pippa told him. There's just no Easter this year. She told him putting another ball into his basket. Leaving Jamie the only one that seemed to still believe. He really is real! I know he is. He sadly looked down.

At the South Pole Jack was all alone. He was angry. Not sure who at. Himself? Pitch? The guardians? He wanted to throw his teeth into the dark ocean. But he looked at them and frowned. As he held his hand down.

He couldn't do it. He know that he should because it was his evidence that he hadn't been there when they needed him or when I needed him. He could only imagine what Pitch was doing to me right now without my necklace.

But he knew he wanted answers. He had to know the truth. A part of him did at least. Maybe he was angry that Pitch was right. They didn't care about him hadn't wanted to listen to what he had to say. All they knew was he had his teeth.

His teeth no Baby Tooth. My necklace but no Farrah. He was upset they wouldn't listen to him. He hadn't done anything wrong. But he still blamed himself. He wasn't even sure if he wanted his memories. But he had to give me that option.

He truly was all alone now. Just like he'd been for the last 300 years disappointed that he thought he had friends. That he could've been believed in. Until he had me. Why was I so important to him? And then he was angry when he heard Pitch.

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