She's like this because of me

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I leaned my head on his shoulder. The other 3 within our sights. What do you mean? Onyx slowly spoke up. Well you all know how our father abused Farrah mostly for no other reason than because she was female. And they were to be seen and not heard.

We had two females in our family aside from our mother that meant all the work that got done the hard labor work was on mine and my father's shoulders. He hadn't always been that way I'm not sure what changed to be honest. He shook his head.

Then our mother had Mary. Two girls. He pretty much ignored her like she was nothing to him. Farrah kept it a secret from us. Our father had threatened her with death if she told anyone. There were many times she didn't join us for meals.

Our father would say she was in her room learning her place as a woman. My mother couldn't help her. She had no rights after all. And our father was the founder of Burgess. Where we grew up where the statue of our family stands where Jamie and his friends live.

She couldn't very well divorce our father. And if she had run away with us we probably wouldn't had gotten far and it would be a scandal. Farrah had this husband that was between our age at the time and our parents our father told him how to treat her.

Farrah killed him in self defense and her only friends for a long time were wolves and she taught them sign. Probably way before it's time to be honest. But she didn't speak unless spoken to afraid to get hurt if she spoke out of turn.

For the longest time I was just myself doing what I do best trying to have fun and causing trouble not wanting to do my chores. I wanted to take care of my little sister and play with her more I had no interest in working. He shook his head again.

Soon enough I found out the truth. But the only thing that changed was that I started to take the abuse for my sister so that he wouldn't hurt her. And I would just stand there and take it. A part of me knows I should've been better behaved because only G-D knows I probably deserved to be punished for being the way that I was anyways.

But nothing changed while Farrah was afraid and stopped talking like at all too afraid to speak as you know I still made sure we had fun I caused trouble and mischief wherever I went trying to lighten the mood also while trying to protect my sisters. Not that dad paid any attention to Mary.

Better me than them I suppose. He shrugged. Mary had been begging me to teach the two of them how to skate it was rare that we got to get away but I always made sure away from seeing eyes that my sisters were happy protected and having as much fun as possible.

At first I had said no because we didn't have any skates. But then that Christmas North gifted us skates so I agreed. But while I'd told our mother we'd be careful and I meant it because the last thing I needed was for anyone to get hurt. But the ice wasn't thick enough. And it cracked under Mary and Farrah both.

They were so scared and I hated seeing them that way. Our father was in the fields he wouldn't have to know where we had been. I had told Farrah that no one would hurt her not while I was around but that day I had also told her that I thought if I had died that dad wouldn't have anyone to compare her to.

I had told her that she was safe when she was with me. And I kept my promise best I could. I got Mary to safety and then I tried to switch places with Farrah. She warned me that if I did that I'd fall in and I'd die. I had promised Mary I wouldn't let her fall in. I never said I wouldn't.

There others held there breath and they were in shock. So that's why MIM chose ya? You died saving your sisters. At least the best you could given they're both still spirits. You don't get it Jack shook his head. I didn't save either of them. The tears began to fall own his face as he looked away picking them off.

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