Happy Easter Jack

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Oh how I wish that were true! Where had things gone so wrong? How did we get ourselves into this mess?! This had been a fools errand. What could I had done? Sure I've got spells and a bow and arrows. But I'm a lover not a fighter.

I didn't want anyone to get hurt. And I knew I would stand in the way so that Jack wouldn't. He's been protecting me as have everyone else but I knew I'd have to push him away if I wanted to protect the others.

Which is exactly what I did. Hopefully the guardians will forgive him. Understand that he made a mistake. I know you have no idea what I'm talking about so I'll go back and show you what I mean.

There we were we had just gotten the ok to leave the warren honestly I don't want to stay there longer than I have to. We had flown Sophie back to her house. As I helped him get the window open so we could go inside.

He set her down on the bed which was hard because she was clung tight around his neck. I picked up her fingers from around his neck. Thanks. He sat her down putting her blanket and toy on her.

But she fell off the bed. He would've fixed it if he were able. Baby tooth had gone with us as well and she had the same idea we had. To get out of there. Sophie is that you? Her mother asked her. We looked up in alarm.

I pulled on his sleeve to get him to follow. As we went out the window. What had we been so afraid of it wasn't like their mother would've been able to see us anyways. We were just about to head back when we heard a weird voice.

Jack Farrah? We turned to each other. Confused looks on our faces. Just as curious as he had been I was as well. Does that voice sound familiar to you? He asked me. Yeah. I told him not using anything above a whisper.

But before we check it out we should consult with my dad first. I'd rather not upset him. We'll be back in a moment. But first let's check it out we're right here we might as well. I guess you've got a point then huh?

Ok then lead the way Jack. We flew to roofs of buildings following the sound but Baby Tooth wasn't so sure. She was just as worried as I had been but you know what they say curiosity killed the cat. And it had gotten the better of us.

We followed it through the forest until we got to a bed. I knew this was the only place I wasn't allowed to go. I pulled him to a stop. He wanted to go in as he started hacking at the bed with his staff. Baby Tooth even tried to get him to go away.

"What's wrong?" He turned to me. "This is the one place dad told me never to go." "Jack this has got to me Pitch's lair!" "We have to get out of here." I signed to him. Fine you go I'm going in. Baby Tooth flew after him down the hole.

I flew away calling for help. I came back to the warren only to find the guardians looking defeated. And little eggs crushed. I looked around for the nightmare horses. And saw them hiding away.

I'd called out. But I was too late a nightmare smelled my fear and pulled me away with them my necklace came off. And I was brought back to the lair. Only in the lair Baby Tooth and Jack had found the other fairies.

He had freed them from their cages but without belief they couldn't fly. And Jack still heard his name being called by the mysterious voice. Jack Farrah? He found all the teeth. And he was looking for the source of the one that called him.

Only for Pitch to show up. Looking for something? Jack fires ice at Pitch into the darkness. Don't be afraid Jack I'm not going to hurt you. Realistically I couldn't even if I wanted to. Not you nor Mary Springs or Farrah Clause.

And why? Because of that thing around your neck and that tattoo on your arm. That's my theory anyways. Except, now I can at least get to Farrah. hers is no longer on her. That silly necklace must've fallen off.

You leave her alone! Don't touch her! Pitch laughs. You may not fear me but I know what you are afraid of it's my job after all to know everyone's worst fears. Yours is that you're afraid no one will ever believe in you.

Suddenly Jack is swallowed up by the ground trying to find his way in the darkness. And worst of all you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you chosen to be like this to be this way unseen. Unseen and all alone.

And more recently you fear for Farrah, you know she is familiar to you but you're unsure why. Where is she BTW? Do you know? Is she safe? Of course she is she's with her father and the others she must've gotten there by now.

But you're not sure are you? You're afraid she'll get hurt and you want to protect her. It seems like a natural familiar feeling. Especially after everything you both have been through after all. Well fear not the answers are right here.

And here. He pulls out two boxes of teeth. One that looks like me and the other that looks like him. But with brown hair and brown eyes. He reaches for them but pulls back. He knows he shouldn't take them.

Don't you want them Jack? Your memories and Farrah's? You know she is supposed to mean something to you. But what? A lover a sister a best friend? You only know you're supposed to protect her. And feel guilty if you don't.

You get hurt so that she doesn't have to. A familiar concept to you both. But if she were here she'd do the same. You want to fly off with them bring her hers but you're afraid of what the guardians will think.

So, let me ease your mind about one little thing. They'll never accept you not really. Jack tries to block him out. But its pointless. After all you're not one of them. You don't know what I am! Of course I do you're Jack Frost you make a mess everywhere you go.

In fact you're doing it right now! What did you do?! Jack scolds him. As Pitch tosses Jack our memories. Then he finds himself back in the warren without Baby Tooth. Not the point Jack what did you do?! Pitch asks him.

Happy Easter Jack! Pitch's voice calls from the other side but its too late. He sees the broken eggs all around. And then looks down at my necklace. She was here. Hopefully she's with them. I'd hate to think something bad happened to her.

But shortly after he was just too late. Baby Tooth was locked away in a cage with the others. And as for me. The nightmare horse brought me to his lair. I was dropped onto the floor at Pitch's feet. I felt for my necklace sad it was gone.

Well, well, well look who we have here. I cowered in fear. Now that your beloved necklace is gone I can give you nightmares. A spell was cast on me as I felt dizzy and in pain. I fell to the floor in a cage made of dark sand.

Not memories but pain came back. Abuse happened in my thoughts. False memories of things that never happened. In the very beginning the moment they started I tried to convince myself that they were just bad dreams but I'd never had one before now.

And Jack had just woken up in one. Into a nightmare that he could not wake up from because it was his reality. And maybe Pitch was right.

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