Trollhunters & Fnaf Crossover w/ Ocs

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Cass's POV

"So explain why we have to go all the way to Utah?" Toby asked again.

"Hurricane, Utah. Because there might be another hearthstone." Blinkous said.

"Yeah, there might be!" Toby yelled. I rolled my eyes. Angor sighed beside me with his arms crossed.

"C'mon T.P., it'll be an adventure!" Claire said, shaking Toby's shoulders. He rolled his eyes.

"C'mon, Cass help me out here!" I looked up then back down.

"I'm not in this conversation." I said going back to sketching.


"I'm with my Archer." A tiny little streak of pink crossed my face. Toby turned.

"Draal, Aaarrrgghh!!!?" The both looked away.

"Bular, Gunmar?" They both said no at the same time.

"No." He looked at notenrique.

"Nope, sorry. I'm with big eyes here." Toby groaned. Jim chuckles then puts his hand on Toby's shoulder.

"C'mon Tobbs, you out of all people don't want to have an adventure?" Jim smiled. Toby inhaled deeply then let it go in defeat.

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Splendid!" Blinky said, cheerfully.

"Well then, we have to go pack. Jim said & we all agreed. I slid off the bookcase.

"Cya tomorrow guys." I said after opening a portal.


I walked through with Angor following after me. The portal closed after we're through. I sighed & stretched my arms above my head then put them down. I turned to face Angor smirking.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms & raised an eyebrow.

Angor Rot's POV

"What?" They asked, crossing their arms & then they raised a eyebrow at me. I chuckled a bit.

"Alright, I'm an idiot. What?" They asked. I didn't respond. I simply smirked bigger. I ran at them & scooped them up in my arms. They clinged to my chest for life.

"It's alright, I would never hurt you on purpose." I said, stroking their hair.

"D-d-dumbass." They said into my chest. I chuckled.

I slowly walked up the stairs with them in my arms. I adjusted them so I could use my left hand to open the door to our room. I walked in & closed the door with my foot. I slowly put them on the bed. I stood up straight.

"Cass-" I get a pillow right in my face.

Cass's POV

As he straightened his body after he just set me down on our bed. I grabbed a pillow & threw it at him in the face. It slowly slid down his face onto the floor.

He had a annoyed expression on which I didn't give a shit about since he scared the living crap outta me. He sighed, picking up the pillow then holds it.

"What are you, 3?" He asked, tossing the pillow back to where it was. I shrugged looking away. He sat on the edge of the bed close to my feet & sighed. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked him a bit concerned. He turned his head to look at me.

"Just thinking."

"About what?" He turned his body to face me.

"About us." I hid my surprised face.

"Oh." I looked away. He put his hand on my ankle, rubbing it up & down slowly slightly.

"Castiel, you know I love you with everything I have." I nodded. He continued & moved closer.

"Since, well you have the ability to live for centuries like us trolls. Well you are part troll." I nodded again.

"Maybe you would consider being my mate." He said looking at me in my eyes.

'We have been friends for millenniums & now he wants to be mates?' I looked away flustered.

"I-I-I dont know what to say. Honestly." I put my hand over my mouth & nose to try & cover up the blush.

"It's alright, you don't have to answer right this second." He put his hand on my cheek. I dropped my hand from my mouth & looked at him.

"Take your time." He kissed my forehead & then put his head against mine.

"I love you, my archer." He said with a smile.

"I will..."

"Hmm?" He pulled back, still having a hand on my cheek. I looked down. I began to get hot.

"I-I-I-I'll be your mate, Angor." I said too flustered to look him in the eyes.

He chuckled. He put his arms on both sides of me. He leaned close to my ear.

"You're so adorable when you're like this." His hot breath made me shivered. He exhaled on my ear. I whimpered quietly. He chuckled, leaning away.

"C'mon, let's get some rest."

I nodded. He layed down beside me. Just as he slips off the bed he catches himself with his right foot. I couldn't help but chuckle. He sighed & looked at me.

I scooched over to the wall. He moved to my side. I layed down resting my head on his stone arm. He digged his face into my neck & nuzzled it.

I giggled a bit. He sighed happily. I leaned my head against his & slowly drifted off to sleep.

                  <\~ Time skip ~/>

I open my eyes to find Angor still cuddling me. I slowly take Angor's hand & take it off my stomach. He mumbled something & pulled the blanket off me & started to cuddle it.

I stifled a giggle. I crawled over him carefully so I didn't wake him up. I walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a crop top hoodie, black rip jeans, bra & underwear. I glance at Angor still sleeping.

I looked at my clothes when him a few times. I sighed. I changed quickly just in case he wakes up. I pulled my sock drawer open & grabbed a pair of socks.

I sat down on the wooden floor & put them on. I got up & walked over to the sleeping Angor Rot. I stopped & nudged him a bit.

"I really don't wanna do this." I muttered. I grabbed the pillow he was using & smacked his head with it. He grumbled & turned to look at me. He gave me the 'what' look.

"We have to pack, idiot." I said throwing the pillow at him & crossed my arms. He sighed & got up.

I walked over to the closet & opened it. Angor grabs my suitcase from behind me while his left hand on my waist. He put it down & slids it towards me. He drops his hand & smiled a bit.


1045 words.

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