My Story. Mha Oc Story. Chapter: 4, After School

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Me & Fluff walked to the entrance of the school.

"Well, that was different V." I stared at the ground & sighed.

"Fluff, why am I so different?" I looked at her.

"You're just special, we all are, so don't get so down." She patted my head. I took a deep breath in then let it out.

"So, want me to stay over at your house, V?" I nodded happily well smiling.

"Hey dogs!"

"Kacchan, leave the new students alone."

"Shut up, deku." We both turned to the voices. Both males. A tall one & a small one. The tall one was the blonde kid & the short one had dark green hair.

"Sorry could you repeat that, please." Fluff asked calmly. They looked at us.

"You heard me, dog." Fluff sighed.

"C'mon V, there's nothing here for us to pay attention too." She turned around & started walking well I just watched a little surprised.

"Hey! Get back here!" He yelled.

(Jeez, this kid has some anger issues.) I turned. He grabbed my arm & narrowed his red eyes at me.

"Huh? What do you want, anger issues."


"Okay? I care why?" I glanced around, everyone was looking at us.

"Vangs, just finish this up. I wanna go." Fluff said annoyed then added.

"I'm hungry!" She said crossing her arms.

"Now then, if you don't mind I have to go." I said grabbing his hand & taking it off my arm.

"You're not going anywhere..." He said through his teeth.

"Hmm? Ha, like you could keep me here, anger issues." I said smiling in his face. Fluff chuckled. One of the other students restrained him.


"I'd like to see you try..." I said with a taunting grin. I turned around & started walking towards Fluff well he sweared & yelled at me saying that he's gonna kill me. The dark green haired kid grabbed my arm.

"I'm so sorry about Kacchan. This is how he deals with everybody."

"Deku, right?" He nodded.

"I've dealt with more bastards than you can imagine. Bakugou is not the first & not the last. I think I'll be fine." He looked at me & smiled a very big smile.

"See ya later, Deku." I came up besides Fluff & we both started walking. We looked at each other & bursted out laughing.

"Dude, his face." Fluff said, wheezing.

"I know, he's such an airhead!" Fluff took some deep breaths.

"Okay, so wanna grab some burgers, V?"

"Sounds great. I'm starving!!!" I said. We started walking to the diner & kept laughing.

                   - At The Diner -

I took a bite of my burger. (With cheese & extra pickles! My favorite!) Fluff sighed, looking out the window then taking a bite out of her French fry she was holding.

"Wh s wr?"

"Repeat that sentence when you're done chewing 'cause I couldn't understand a word you just said." Fluff said glancing at me. I swallowed.

"Sorry, I said what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You haven't even touched your burger..." I raised an eyebrow. She sighed.

"I don't know, it's just being an orphan, it's hard." I put down my burger & placed my hands on hers. She turned her head & stared at me.

"I know but sometimes you just have to pull through. Plus for all I know my sister, my brother & my father are dead. So I'm kinda an orphan too. Just remember, I'm always here for you Fluff. Always." She smiled.

"Thanks, that made me feel a whole lot better."

"C'mon, finish your meal so we can go to my house!"

              - After We Finished -

"So that short kid with the dark green hair is kinda cute." Fluff said to me as we walked towards my house.

"Suuuurrrreeee..." We walked up the steps to the front door.

"So who do you think is the cutest?" I fiddled with the key in the lock.

"Um, I guess the dude with the spiky red hair & shark like teeth."

"Oh, you're talking about Kirishima. He is a gentleman, I do have to say." I let her go in first. I shut the door & locked it.

"Who's the second cutest guy?"

"What do you want from me?!?!?!" She put her hands up, surrendering.

"It's just a question, jeez..." I sighed.

"I guess that Bakugou guy is kinda cute." I put down my bag & took my shoes & jacket off.

"What?" I asked looking at her.

"You're inlove with Bakugou~" She giggled. I sighed.

"Do what do you wanna do, V?"

"Anything that doesn't involve boys at all." She shrugged.

"I'm gonna get changed, first though." I walked up the stairs towards my room.

(I love Fluff like a sister but she's sometimes a pain in my ass.) I grabbed a tank top & shorts. I changed. As I came down the stairs I threw her some clothes.

"Here, these might fit you, might not. Just try them on, okay?" She nodded. She shut the bathroom door. I sighed, walked to the kitchen, pulled out a chair & sat down. I put my head on my arms & sighed.

(Pull yourself together, Vangs! It's not worth getting mad over the littlest things. Just calm down.) I took some deep breaths.

"Yeah, they fit me fine." Fluff said standing in the doorway. She walked over, pulled out a chair beside me & sat down.

"Cheer up, Oshi."

"Would you please stop calling me that, it's annoying."

"Neeeevvvveeeerrrr~" She said leaning back, smirking. I sighed frustrated.

(You goddamn pain in my ass.)

"So, wanna watch some TV well eating ice cream?" I looked at her.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged.

"Couldn't hurt."

                      - 12:08 AM -

"Hmmm?" I looked around, sleepily. Fluff muttered something in her sleep. I sighed. I got up, walked to the bathroom, opened the door, stepped inside then closed it. I sighed. I gripped the counter of the sink.

(Just breath. Just breath.) I looked at into the mirror. Black lines traced my face, my clothes torn & clawed at. My eyes white. Hair was black, dark blue, dark green & a hint of red. Shadows were around me. Their cold hands wrapped around my arms, head, neck & mouth.

"I'll always find you...Linus..." My eyes snapped open & I gasped. I looked around in a panic.

(Okay, it was just a dream.) I walked back to the livingroom. Fluff still muttering in her sleep. I layed back on the couch & sighed. I closed my eyes & started to breath normally again.

(Why does this always happen?) I sighed.

(Why did he say that? How did he say that?) I sighed & fell asleep.

(I'll always find you...Linus...)


1097 words. I love this story so much.

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