My Story. Mha Oc Story. Chapter: 1, My Morning

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Okay so a little insight into this one & the last story in the entire book. Thank you so much for coming/reading this far. This by far one of my top favorite stories. This story is about my Oc Vangs Oshigami Koto. My first Mha Oc & my second main oc. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. Oh, and one of my best friend's Oc is in here too. Enjoy.

This is the stuff I apparently wrote in.
Music -> ~~
Talking -> ""
Place/different area or time -> --
Thinking -> ()
Sign language -> .~~.
Whisper -> **

Fire, smoke, guns, the screaming of innocent people. That's the world I knew but somehow it's always been comforting to me. My mom's dead from protecting me, my little brother, Berserker & my little sister, Odora.

She sacrificed herself to save her children. I thought a lot about it & I still do but it's different now that I know. My father was a different kind of person, I guess nothing to bad but he kept a lot of secrets...

I did respect them at the time but now, not anymore. The only difference between my mother & father was that my mom was a hero & my father was a villian... So, yeah, I'm an abomination to the world. But the day that changed my life was a bit different.

- In my bedroom -

~ Baby I love you~ Oh ~ Oh ~
I sighed.

"Huh...?AHH!!!" My face hit the ground with a big thud. I groaned & rolled over & sighed once more.

"Just a great start to perfect day..." I crawled on to my knees & looked at the alarm clock.

"Oh no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NOOOO!!" I struggled to get out of the blanket & I tripped over my own feet. I got up running & changed into my uniform. I come tumbling out of the house. I ran down the street.

(God, please, I don't need to be late for the entrance exam! Please!) I took some deep breaths & slowed a bit, breathless. I looked up to see a girl with pink & teal hair with light brown antlers.

(Fluff!) I waved to get her attention.

"V!!!" She screamed with joy well running towards me with her arms opened. She hugged me.

"Where were you?" She sounded a little mad. (Okay maybe not a little.)

"Uhh...sleeping?" (I'm gonna die by the hands of my best friend. Perfect way to die!) I thought sarcastically. She sighed.

"C'mon or we'll miss the entrance exam." She grabbed my wrist & we both ran. I looked up at the building ahead.

(I've heard stories about UA but I never guessed I would be here.) I thought as a little smile crossed my face.


447 words. Fluff is my friend's Oc. I couldn't think of a name so I called her Fluff. And yes, I did make Fluff.

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