My first attempt at a Security Breach Fan Fiction. Chapter 2: What happened..?

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"So what's your name, anyway?" Chica asked you curiously with her head tilted. You realized you hadn't said your name.

"Y/n but I prefer N/N." You say in a soft but quiet voice.

"Okay, cool!" Chica said.

"A-and I'm not new." They all looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Freddy asked.

"I was in the parts & service room."

"For how long?"

"Since, I believe when this place was built." You said looking around a bit.

"How come we didn't even notice?" He asked himself. You shrugged and looked at him again.

"I think I was still being made or something because I couldn't talk and I could barely move."

"Aw, that sucks. Can't talk or barely move." Chica pouted a bit. You shrugged once again.

"Honestly, I don't care." They all blankly stared at you.

"What?" You lifted an eyebrow and crossed your arms. Freddy shook his head snapping out of whatever he was zoned out about.

"Nothing. Anyway, I'll give you a tour of your home." He walked and grabbed your left arm.

"Bye!" You heard Chica yell from behind you. Freddy sighed.

"Sorry." He said letting go. You shrugged.

"Doesn't bother me."

"Well, what do you want to see first? The daycare, rooms, Monty's gator golf, roxy racew-"


"Very well." You guys started walking back the way you came, past the room they found you in.

"Just right up here." He opened the elevator and held the door for you. You stepped inside and leaned against one of the corners away from Glamrock Freddy.

"I'm sorry." You turned a bit to look at him. He was staring at the doors.

"It's fine, it was kinda peaceful down there anyway." You turned your gaze towards the poster of Monty's gator golf poster. The elevator thumped then dinged. You guys walked out and headed down the hallway.

"So your room is still under construction, you'll be rooming with Roxanne." He stopped, turned, and smiled at you. You nodded. He pointed down the hall a little more.

"Over there is Roxanne's room. I believe she set up one side of her room for you." You nodded and started walking down the hall.

"We'll continue the tour later." He called.


372 words.That's chapter two. I typed both of the chapters none stop and now my fingers hurt. T.T

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