Enji Todoroki story: Chapter 2

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I blinked surprised.

" We'd like two beers." I nodded, writing it down.

"Yes sir. That all?" I looked at both of them. He nodded with a smile on his face. I looked at Endeavor one more time before walking back to the bar.

"Table seven, two beers." He nodded going to prepare them. I couldn't help but wonder why he was here. I did kinda have to admit that he was way more hotter without his flames activated.

"Two beers." I grabbed the tray and walked back to the table with the fake smile still on.

"Here you go, two beers. Now, anything else?"

"Um, yes actually. What's your name name, sweetheart." I straightened a bit surprised.

"Um, Cassia. Cassia Quest."

"Well then Cassia, I'm Kanu Torodishi and that's Enji Todoroki." I looked at Enji. He looked at me down then up to my eyes. I gulped a bit. He keeps a straight face but raised and eyebrow. I looked back to Kanu.

"I-if you need anything just let me know." He nodded. I walked away.

       ~\< When the bar closed >/~

I mumbled. "Why was he here?" Kanu walked in & opened her locker which was beside mine.

"You okay?" I glanced at her & nodded.

"Yeah, just wondering why the great Endeavor was here." I told her about serving him after she went into the staff only room.

"Wait, you didn't hear?"

"Hear, what?" I asked her cautiously.

"He got divorced 6 months ago. Jeez, I thought you would be celebrating." I shrugged & she stifled a giggle. I rolled my eyes, knowing what she meant. I did have a tiny crush on him. Scratch that a huge crush. But I just shrugged it off.

"Cya later, Cass." She said waving bye out the back door.

I'm always the last one there. I sighed closing my locker then putting my jacket on. I walked out pulling up my jacket to cover my shoulder as the cold breeze blew. I walked down the alley past a drunk man. He grabbed my wrist and threw my head against the wall.

"Where do you think you're going, pretty lady?"

"P-please don't hurt me." I pleaded the random drunk guy.

"Only if you don't scream~" I struggled to get free while tears rolled down my face. He hit my head header against the wall. I whimpered a bit.

"Hey! Let her go. NOW!" A deep voice said.

"And what if I don't?" The other dude stayed silent. The old drunk dude chuckled. I felt the dude's come off my arms and my head. Somebody grabbed my wrist & put me behind them.

"Now, go before it gets worse." I heard running.

"Hey, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see Endeavor leaned down infront of me. He was inches away from my face. I shook my head yes, looking at the gravel ground. I felt a hand on my head stopping me from shaking my head. I glanced up at him. He took his hand off my head.

"You're the girl from the bar, right?" I nodded yes looking back to the ground.

"Here, let me walk you home." As we both walked down the street I thought of what would had happened if Endeavor hadn't came.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head no. I stayed silent for the rest of the way.

"W-we're here." I said with a bit of a stutter.

"Very well then, have a goodnight." He said walking away.

             ~\< 1 Montg Later >/~

I opened my locker & put my bag in it. Just as I had one arm out of my sleeve Kano came in very happy. She grabbed my arm.

"C'mon, hurry up!!!" She said pulling my arm.

"Just gimme a second." I put my jacket away & closed the locker door. She dragged me towards the bar.

"Close your eyes!" She let go of me.

"Alright, open!" I opened my eyes to see an envelope.

"A letter...?"

"Inside, idiot." I took it and opened it. I opened the letter. I put it down glaring at her.

"I know that, I, myself, didn't ask for an internship with the no.1 hero Endeavor." I said in a pissed off voice. She chuckled nervously.

"You wanted to be a hero since you were little but didn't get the chance to, so I'm giving you a chance to be what you really want to be." She said in one of her kindest voices. I sighed putting a hand on her shoulder smiling a bit.

"Thanks but why did it have to be ENDEAVOR'S AGENCY." She shrugged and walked off.

'Well, that's helpful.'

             ~\< 2 Weeks Later >/~

As I walked up to Endeavor's agency I stopped and took some deep breaths. I  walked in towards the secretary.

"Um, hi. I'm the intern." She looked up.

"Name." She said turning towards her computer.


"Full name, please."

"Um, Castiel Linus Quest."

"Hero name."


"50th floor. He's expecting you." I nodded heading towards the elevator. I got on the elevator & pressed the button marked 50th floor. I sighed.

'Jeez, it's been so long since I've worn my costume. Surprised it still fits.' The bell dinged and the doors opened. You get off heading towards the last door. I took a deep breath.

'Everything is gonna be fine.' I knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard a booming voice from the other side of the door. I put my mask on that corvers my face & opened the door to his office.

919 words.

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