My first attempt at a Security Breach Fan Fiction. Chapter 1: Meeting Them

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You wake up but your not in the parts & service room. You move your head for the first time in forever to look around. You seem to be on some sort of stage.

You look down to to see yourself holding an electric guitar. You put it down gently on the wooden boards. You stand up. You reach for the silky curtains but you hesitated.

You grab each side with one of you hands well I guess they aren't really hands or paws but whatever. You pull it open surprised to see they were tables with cloth & party hats on them.

You look around to see party decorations everywhere. You sit down & slide off the stage. You take a step but fall to the ground. You groan a bit. You push yourself up & steady yourself. You take another step but slow.

You start walking normally now. You peek out to see if anybody was there. You stand up straight. You walk down the hall. You stop as you see something in the corner of your eye. You turn to face the glass.

Your wearing a sleeveless denim jacket with a crop top & some jean shorts. You take a step closer to see your face. Your ears & tail were more lighter then last time along with your fur. There are different symbols on your body. There is two lightning bolts on you body.

One is a glowing blue bolt on your shoulder. A hot pink bolt on you calf. At last you look at your face. You have a hazel gold color eyes. You have a pink, orange & yellow sun glasses. You take your right hand & pull your right side gum up revealing two gold fangs, one on the top & the other on the bottom.

You drop your hand opening your mouth. There were another set of gold fangs. You close your mouth looking down. You look up in the glass agin to see you have a black collar chocker on. You touch it lightly.


Your head snapped towards the noise.
You followed the echo that the mysterious person made. You stopped infront to see cardboard cutouts of a bear with a blazer gun.

You walk up the stairs cautiously, hand on the railing. You heard more people talking. Two girls, two boys. You hear them coming towards you. You run and squat behind a rock. You hold your breath.

"No fair, Monty wins again!" Said a cheery, fun, happy voice said with a little disappointment.

"Oh, come on Chica, you just need to get better." It was the same voice you heard. It was sort of a deep 80s style to the voice.

"Alright, alright. Now do you want a psycho chicken on you hands, Monty?" Said a very nice and kind voice.

"Alright enough. Monty won again that's final." A deep, kind voice said.

"Hey you smell that?" The very nice and kind voice said. You slapped your hand over your mouth to muffle a squeak.

"Hey, I think it's coming from behind that rock." You heard footsteps. You saw a pop can, grabbed it quickly and threw it.


You make a break for it running to your stage. You hit the side of the entrance to your room. You cough a bit breathless. You crawl up onto your stage. You close the curtains. You hold your breath once again. You pray not to be found by the mysterious people.

"Welp, whatever it is it's behind that curtain."

You hear four sets of feet coming towards you. Just as one of them grabs the curtains you pounce and hold it tight.

"It's stuck." The deep but nice voice said.

"It's holding it." Said the cheery, fun, happy voice.

He sighs. You feel something that touches your stomach lightly. You look down to see a tanned furred paw with short claws. You jump back against the wall letting go of the curtains. You wrap your arms around your stomach.

"Well, something is definitely there." He pulls open the curtains. They all gasped. You pull your knees up higher.

"Wow, so you're the new arrival." A wolf girl nudged her in the ribs. The bear looked at them and they nodded. They walked out of the room except for the bear. He smiled kindly.

"Hi, I'm Glamrock Freddy and you." You shrugged. The light went out. He chuckled then patted your head. You realized you were on him with your arms and legs around him. You turned red. You dropped to the ground and looked at the ground.

"Are you afraid of the dark?" He asked crossing his arms. You shake your head no.

"What hides in the dark." Your ears go down a bit. He placed his hand on your head again patted it. You look up to see him smiling with his eyes closed.

"You're very different aren't you." He put his hand down.

"C'mon, I want you to meet my friends."

You walk down the hall beside Glamrock Freddy towards the main dining room. You walk in surprised to see two new different animatronics. He clears his throat.

"Guys, introduce yourselves to the new arrival." He glances at you with a smile with his hand on my back. A chicken girl came up to you.

"Hi, I'm Glamrock Chica. Nice to meet you." She giggled a bit backing up.

"Hey, I'm Roxanned Wolf and this is my boyfriend Montgomery Gator." She turned herself towards the person beside her. He smiled with his eyes closed.

"Well, actually I prefer being called Monty." He put his hand behind his head still smiling.

"And there are Sunrise and Moondrop. They don't talk much." Freddy said pointing at the two new animatronics I've seen. They all smile at you.

You burst into a smile finally feeling safe then in a long time...

981 words.

Chapter 2

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