Seven Deadly Sins Oneshots: Feisty Goddess

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(Derieri x Goddess! Female! Reader)

                     * Flashback *

"I need you to go down to earth & help Ludociel, Sariel & Tarmiel." Lido said looking in a book.

"What?" She started walking & reading & I followed.

"Y-you can't just a-ask to see me then t-t-tell me I have to go down to e-e-e-ear-eart-" I stuttered over my words.

"Earth?" I nodded.

"Well, I just did."


"That's a command, Miss Y/N. Understood?" I nodded again looking at the ground. When I looked up she was gone. I sighed heading back towards my fair sized bedroom.

'She can't do that! Oh, wait, she can, she's in charge.' I rolled my eyes opening my door & closing it softly.

"Now then I need to find myself a vessel." I muttered to my empty room.

'I got just the person!' I smiled happily.

                * Flashback Ends *

I walked around looking at what earth has become.

'They did well for being humans.' I thought, impressed.

"Hey!" I looked over to see a young man & a shorter man with a pink shirt coming up the hill.

'Time to put on the act.'

"Hey, Deldry. Where have you been? We all started to worry." Arden said scratching the back of his head. I placed a smile on my vessel's face.

"Just enjoying the view."

"I'm glad you're okay, Miss Deldry." Says Waillo. I took a step back steadying myself.

"Miss Deldry!" Waillo grabbed the vessel's left elbow.

"I-I'm fine, almost tripped."

'Crap, can't hold onto this vessel any longer.'

"I have to go. I'll be back." I ran down a path.

'Need to get somewhere safe & hidden!' I looked around helplessly.

'The forest!' I ran into the forest finding a little clearing. The vessel dropping on the ground & letting me emerge back into my original self.

'Took long enough.' I looked at her & flew down. I touched her shoulder.

'She'll be alright.' I flew above the forest & looked around.

'Archangels, where are you?' I flew East.

~\< Time Skip Sponsored By Estarossa's Kindness >/~

'It's been two hours. Where are you, Ludociel?'

"Hey, Goddess."

"Huh." I turned around to get a fist to the face. Then I blacked out.

~\< Time Skip Sponsored By Galand's Cowardness >/~

I woke up to having a blurred vision of a stone floor. I tried to move my wings & hands but found I couldn't. I muttered nonsense. I tried to pull my head up but my body was to weak.

"W-whe-w-wh-where a-am I?" I asked.

"Wow, I think I hit you a little to hard, damn." It was a female voice. The voice from before. I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"So tell me goddess, what's your name?" The woman lifted my chin up.

I looked at her up & down. There were black markings covering her breasts, crotch & her left arm was black with claw like fingers. Her eyes were a beautiful black. Her hair was short & orange. I just keep looking at her.

"Hey! I said what's your name?!" She said gripping my chin forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y/N." I said while stuttering.

"Huh, nice name. Mamet's Derieri." She let go of my chin & sat cross legged infront of me.

"So tell me why'd they send another goddess here?"

"T-t-they re-think Ludociel n-n-ne-ne-needs h-h-he-hel"

"Help?" I nodded.

"Jeez, what's wrong with you?"

"I s-s-st-studder."

"Huh, & I though all gods & goddesses were perfect." She looked at me.

"Why are you telling me, a demon, this?" I looked down.

"Because y-y-y-you're b-b-b-beau-beautiful." I managed to shudder out.

"Mhmm. Well then you wouldn't mind if I did this?" I looked up to see Derieri walking towards me & now behind me. I tried to turn my head to see but couldn't. Then I felt hands on my hips.

"H-hey!" She lifted me up then placed me down on her lap.

"Let m-m-me g-go!" I yelled.

"Nope." She said calmly and leaned against the stone wall. I squirmed to get out of her arms that were wrapped around me.

"Jeez, you really are a feisty Goddess aren't you?" She asked glancing down at me. I stopped to think.

'A Feisty Goddess...?'

727 words.

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