My Story. Mha Oc Story. Chapter: 3, First Day

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(God, my first day in high school. It's gonna be terrible.)

"V!!! Coming in hot!" I took a step out of the way & Fluff ran past me then stopped on her heels.

"Sorry, got lost there for a second. Anyway, how was I?, at the entrance exam I mean." She tilted her head walking backwards so she can still look at me.

"Awesome!" I put my thumbs up & smiled. She giggled & gave me a smile in return.

"You know I heard there's gonna be a lot of hot boys." She said turning around & then started to skip.

(How in the world did this conversation go from being about the entrance exam to hot boys at our school?)

"Uhhh...okay? I honestly don't know how to respond to that but okay."

"Well atleast you're being honest." She said shrugging then going back to skipping & humming down the sidewalk.

(God, you have to be the second weirdest person in the world besides me. Since I'm the first most weirdest person in the world. Which I'm very proud of.)

We both looked up at the door then at each other then resting our eyes on the door. Fluff took some deep breaths.

"Okay, let's go." She opened the door. Everyone looked at us.

( my anxiety is kicking in.) This weird looking came up to us.

"So you two must be the new students, right? Anyway, I'm Aizawa, your teacher for the rest of the years you have here along with All Might. Come up so you can introduce yourselves to the class." He moved so we could come up. We walked up silently. My cowardness of a person stood halfway behind her.

"Hi, I'm Fluff. It's nice to meet you..." She glanced at me. I sighed.

"H-hi, my name is Vangs Oshigami Koto."

"Please tell the class your quirks." Mr. Aizawa said. Fluff looked at me. I gave her a small nod.

"Um, my quirck is that I can change into a hybrid of a wolf & deer." The class muttered. Just when I opened my mouth Fluff grabbed my arm. She looked scared & worried. I mouth, It's Okay. She sighed & let go.

"Um, hey, the funny thing is that I have tree quirks." The class gasped & started muttering again.

"My first quirck is being able to fade in & out of reality which I call it Faded. Second, I'm half wolf so I can do anything that a wolf can do or does. And third, I can't die-" The kid with some blonde hair snickered.

"By any kind or nuclear/deadly blow." The class started muttering again.

(What are we on some kind of TV Show where we share our quirks so they can see which one is better?) Everyone had stopped talking.

(Oh, crap. I'm growling aren't I?) I stopped growling & looked at the ground, flustered by embarrassment.

"Please take your seats Vangs & Fluff." We sat at the back. I sighed.

(I wonder would mom be proud? Would Odora & Berserker be proud? Would dad? He'd never approve of this. He'd probably have a attack.)


514 words. The next chapter & the last one I wrote for this story is the longest. Just one more chapter till the end of the book!

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