Enji Todoroki Story: Chapter 4

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I walked into Enji's office like usual but saw a girl talking to him.

'Ugh, reporters nowadays. Showing up out of nowhere.'

"Well, thanks again for the interview Mr. Endeavor!" She got up from her chair & almost walked into me.

"Wow, who are you?"

"Hero, from another city." She walked to the doors not asking another question. She waved goodbye and shut the doors.

"Jeez, talk about annoying." I said placing down his coffee.

"You have to get used to that, Hero, from another city." He said taking a sip of coffee. I started to walk towards the couch. He swallowed & cleared his throat.

"Come here." I walked over putting my hands on the desk & leaning against it.

"Hmm?" He lifted up my mask & turned off his quirk & kissed me. I looked away flustered while covering my blush. He chuckled turning back on his quirk. He went back to work on his computer. I sighed turning my head towards the big windows.

"Is something wrong, dear?" I shrugged crossing my arms. He turned his chair & stared at me.

"Sometimes do you just wish that you can just...."

'Let go of everything & just, you know...?'

"Be away from everybody?" He sighed.

"Yes, everyday. Well being with you is a blessing." I hid my smile by looking away. I sat down on the couch thinking.

'Why was I born like this?' I layed my chin on my hand. I closed my eyes & fell asleep.

       ~\< At The End Of The Day >/~

I woke up to see I'm laying down with Enji's coat over me. I heard the door open & I layed down pretending to sleep. I heard it closed quietly. I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me & they stopped right infront of me.

I felt huge arms wrap around me. I felt his warm chest & warms arms. He moved his jacket to cover my legs. I heard & felt him moving as he walks. I heard him stop after around 15 maybe 20 minutes. I heard him open a door then walked like 2 steps then closed the door.

I felt him walking up some stairs. After a minute or two I felt him lay me down. He placed a blanket on me then walked into another room.  I opened my eyes to see where I was  it was a bedroom.

'This is not just any old bedroom...this is ENJI'S BEDROOM?!?!?!?'

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I said sitting up too fast and falling out of the bed. As I fell off the bed I hit my forehead on the nightstand beside the bed.


Endeavor put one hand on my shoulder & the other on my arm. He sighed.

"Come on." He helped me sit on the bed. He let go of my arms & walked into the bathroom. He came back with a first aid kit. He sighed. He put a cloth to my head wound. I winced away.

"Just let me clean it." I kept wincing but he still cleaned it.

"There." He leaned up a bit & kissed my forehead.

"Please be more careful. You scared me."

'Scared him?' I nodded.

"Come on, let's go to bed." He said as he put the first aid kit on the nightstand. I scouted back against the pillow & put my legs under the covers. I felt the mattress adjust as he got on the bed and under the covers.

"Come here." I turned my head to Enji's left arm wide open.

"I'm not going to bite you...tonight." When he said tonight he smirked a bit. I crawled & layed on his chest with just my upper torso. He layed his arm on my back fiddling with my hair. I turned my head sideways so that it would be more comfortable since my head was on his arm.

"I love you, Castiel." I was very surprised because well first thing is this was your first time sleeping with him and second...


"I love you too." He now just smoothed my hair for the rest of the night.

682 Words.

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