Enji Todoroki Story: Chapter 5

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               ~\< 2 Weeks Later >/~

"Move in with me." I spat out my coffee. I lofted my head & gave him a surprised look. He looked at me then the ground of his office floor. He sighed.

"You said you wanted to go to next level. Do you?"

"Y-yes I do b-b-b-b-" I kept on stuttering.

"But what?" He asked.

"Have you never lived with a boy?" I looked away a little flustered sliding my nails over my skin on my left hand, up & down, up & down. I heard him get off his chair & walked towards me.

"Or..." Now he was right behind me.

"Is it something else?" He asked with his arms around my arms. My face turned a bit red. The doors bursted open. Enji let go & crossed his arms.

"'Sup!" It was the no.2 pro hero Hawks. Enji sighed as I turned away.

"What is it that you need, Keigo?" He smiled having his hands in his pockets.

"Just wanted to say hi to your new girlfriend." He said still smiling.

"She's just my intern." Enji said in a hard voice.

"Not what I heard a couple seconds ago." He said chuckling. Enji walked over & started to yell at him so nobody else knows & Hawks just stands there with his hands up promising.

I put one of my hands over my mouth to stifle a giggle. I heard a familiar chuckle behind me. I turned halfway to see. My right hand was over my left hand gripping it. I held my hands over the middle of my chest. I looked into the dark corner. I gulped.

'No...It's not real.'

"Cass, is everything alright?" I turned to see Enji looking at me with a worried look. I crossed my arms giving him a glare.

"You don't have to worry about me." I said.

"I can't help it, I love you too much to not worry about you." He chuckled.

"Guess that surprised you a bit to much 'cause you're kinda flustered, little one." I turned my head looking away. I looked back towards the corner then sighed.

'It was just your imagination, Cass...' I sighed again.

"Cya, Endeavor's girl!" I turned to see Hawks waving goodbye walking out the door. After he turned the corner Endeavor shut the doors.

"Damn bird." He muttered angrily. I shrugged turning my back towards Endeavor.

"He's kinda cute I gotta admit." I smirked when I heard Enji growl. He stomped while walking over to me. He grabbed my shoulders & turned me to face him. I put on my innocence face.


"You know what!" He said through his teeth. I sighed.

"He's cute but..." I put my hands on his chest and looked back up.

"You're hotter~" My lips almost touching his. I giggled & moved back a bit.

"You little tease..." He muttered walking back to his desk.


"Hmm?" I looked at the wall.

"Maybe I'll move in with you. I don't know yet."

"Mhmmm." He went back to work & my eyes fell on that corner. I let my mind wandered.

'Could they really be back?"

518 words. Next is my fav chapter. 😊

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