Teddy bear

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( this whole thing is a rollercoaster of ships but leave me alone this is my first time writing in a month >:| )

the ships are : mumbskall, unrequited grumbo, and implied scarian

its a rollercoaster to read this

word count : 838 excluding this note

º•Grian POV•º

Everyone started to leave after bidding mumbo farewell. I watched mumbo kiss iskall on the cheek before iskall left with everyone too.

I felt sick to my stomach and felt like i was gonna cry. i quickly turned around to go back to my base when mumbo tapped me on my shoulder " Hey " mumbo said I turned my head to look at him " yeah? "

He opened his backpack and pulled out a rugged bear, and showed it to me " i found this in my closet and i figured i'd give him to you " he said as he handed it to me

I gently took the teddy bear from his hands and held the slightly ripped teddy bear in my hands, staring at it " what happened to him? " i asked

" I don't know what happened, again, I just found it in my closet and thought I'd give it to you " mumbo responded " i figured i'd give it to you so you won't forget me "

" I'd never forget you mumbo. ''I said with a stern tone,'' I'm going to miss you so much. "

" yeah. . .i'll miss you too grian. I'll see you later when i get back in a few years " he said with a smile as he stepped in the portal

" see you later, mumbo " i said with a sad smile as i watched him disappear in the purple particles of the nether portal

I look back down at the slightly ripped bear, it had a huge rip on its left leg and rip on his right ear ' i guess i'll be stitching tonight before bed. ' i thought as i started walking back to my base

' man. . .i wish i spent more time with mumbo. . ' i thought even though we were together almost all the time

Truth was, i just really liked mumbo. I loved him. I just wanted to be more than what we were

I just never got to tell him that. Iskall got to him before I could get a chance to say it.

It was heartbreaking, but i let them be. Just because i loved mumbo didn't mean i had the right to tell them to break it off, they looked happy together.

I frowned as I remembered the day iskall and mumbo became a thing. . .but hey, they were happy together, i couldn't do much.

As long as they were happy, i was fine with it.

It still hurt like a semi truck though.

Before i knew it, i was already at my doorstep. I opened the door and took my boots off. Pearl ( grian's cat, not actually pearl ) ran over and greeted me when i came in. Maui looked over from the couch but decided not to come and greet me

' rude ' i thought sarcastically

I stroked her fur before going off to find my sewing kit upstairs.

Even if i can't have mumbo, i will still fix up this bear and keep him until mumbo comes back

I wonder why he gave it to me and not iskall


As i stuffed my bag with essentials for an adventure with scar, i couldn't help but put the little bear in my bag too

Scar, who was across the room seemed to notice that and came over " y'know. . .i've never seen your bag without that little bear " he said

" who was it from? "

I smiled sadly as i continued to get more essentials " it was a goodbye gift from mumbo a few years ago "

" man, now you made me sad! " scar said jokingly " i really miss mumbo, i wonder where he went " scar said as gently grabbed the bear from my bag

" careful! I don't wanna stitch that again! " i said

" you stitched this? Oh wait i can see the thread " scar said, pointing at the red, loose thread

I scoffed as he pointed out the loose thread " i spent so much time hiding these rascals! "

Scar chuckled as he put the bear back in my bag and kissed my forehead " we should probably continue packing, we gotta go in an hour "

I nodded and continued what i was doing before-hand, but this time, in the back of my mind, there were tons of questions that came back. Questions that i forgot to ask

' where did mumbo go? '

' why did he give me this bear? Why not iskall? '

' why did he leave in the first place? '

" I guess i'll never know the answers " i muttered to myself quietly

And. . .

I guess i'll never be able to tell mumbo how i felt about him

not that it would matter anymore, me and scar became a thing a year ago but. . .i still have something that wants me to tell him. .

oh well

i'll never have mumbo, but i can still remember him for being a spoon that i fell inlove with

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