One and only ( grumbo )

600 26 7

this is for you Lightningtail17

this is for you

words : 1,079

 º•Grian POV•º

" hello? " i heard a voice call out from the field. I looked up and saw a figure not too far from me " who goes there? " i called back

" i heard you're a new member! " the voice said " im mumbo jumbo! "

" well hello there mumbo jumbo! " i said, grabbing a torch so i could see as i was walkin to who i assumed was mumbo " what brings you to my field, in the evenin? "

" i came here to say hi, i guess "

As i came closer to the figure i could make out that he was wearing a suit and had a mustache

" you got a mustache? " i said " i've never met a mustached man before! "

He chuckled and walked closer to me, his face illuminating in the torch light.

The night sky suddenly turned a bright blue one, " wha- " i said lookin up and rubbing my eyes. " its a plug-in, someone slept " mumbo said

" cool? " i said, blowing the torch out and throwing it on the grass " oh and, i totally forgot but my name is grian! The one and only "

mumbo smiled before saying " we already know that, but good morning, grian "

I snickered before saying " good morning, mumbo jumbolio! "


As i looked out the window in my base, i saw mumbo rowing towards the entrance

I smiled and started running down the stairs, to the entrance. " grian? " mumbo yelled up. " mumbo! " yelled back down, reaching the bottom and running to the entrance

" hi grian " mumbo said, reaching his arms out for a hug. I huffed out a ' your one and only ' before pulling mumbo in for that hug

As we pulled away from the hug, mumbo asked " how're you doing this fine afternoon, grian? "

" im doing amazing! I just finished the base and personally i think its chobblesome! " i said, smiling

" chobblesome?? Is that even a word? "

" well now it is! "

mumbo smiled at my response before i dragged him up the stairs, for a little tour of the place. " i've only done the exterior but im still showing you around! "


I patiently stood infront on an entrance to. . .something. mumbo asked me to meet him here, and he's like, 30 minutes late

I chuckled ' classic mumbo ' and continued waiting for mumbo to arrive. I stared at the ground for who knows how long before i heard grass crunching and mumbo calling out

" grian! " he said, coming to a stop beside me " sorry im late, i had to get some extra decor "

" not a problem, mumbo! Im quite used to you being late all the time " i said jokingly. " mumbo laughed " okay- lets go inside? " he said pointing at the entrance, i nodded and i followed him in

The terrain was. .beautiful. Chobblesome, even. There were tons of lanterns and some fireflies flying around. The trees were tall, and the grass looked nice.

" did scar terraform this? " i asked, as i marveled at. . .everything. " No, but i did take lessons from him " mumbo replied

I got confused at his response, ' did he make this?! ' " you did this?! Impossible! The mumbo i know and love doesn't know how to build OR terraform! "

I could see mumbo's face tint pink before he responded " scar's a great teacher, ya know. "

When i looked forward, i saw that we were walking towards a tree with a picnic blanket under it, white LED lights dangling from the leaves. There was a bouquet of daisies sitting in the middle of the blanket.

" who built this. . .beautiful place? " i asked as i sat down on the picnic blanket. " i did " mumbo said " i built this for. . .us. "

" us? You built this beautiful place for us to hangout? " i asked

" yeah, and also " mumbo gave the daisies to me " these are for you "

I smiled and took the daisies, looking at them intently " how'd you know i loved daisies? " i asked.

" i didn't, actually. I just thought they fit you so i got a bunch of daisies "

I smiled before putting the daisies down beside me.

mumbo sighed " okay- um- i'll just tell you why i brought you here. " i looked at him confused before he continued, " i wanted to tell you this for a few months now but,

I wanna be more than what we are now.

Will you be my one and only, grian? "

My eyes widened as i felt myself heating up. I never thought of this moment. . .actually happening. .

" Yes! Yes i will! "


" hey grian " mumbo said, holding my hand " you remember the place i brought you when i asked you to be my one and only? "

I smiled " yeah! Are we going there again? "

" yep! And i have something important to tell you when we get there okay? " mumbo said. " what're you gonna tell me? " i asked, only for mumbo to shake his head " i'll only say when we get there. "

" man. "


As we walked through the path again, i looked around and still marveled at the surrounding, just like the first time we came there.

I find this place to be a very special place, i mean, i got a boyfriend from here, of course its special.

As we walked, i looked forward again to see the same tree, with the same blanket under it and the same LED lights in the leaves.

" don't sit yet grian, i have to tell you something remember? " mumbo said before i sat down on the blanket " but whyy? I gotta be standing for this? " i said

mumbo nodded and i reluctantly stood back up

" grian " mumbo started " i've been with you for at least 3 years now, and i feel like we should be more. " my eyes widen with happiness when i realised what was gonna happen. "These 3 years with you have proven to be amazing, and i want to wake up everyday with you beside me. "

mumbo got on one knee and opened a black box, with a diamond ring in it

" grian,

Will you forever be, my one and only? "

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