Millions of ways. ( scardubs )

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ahahaahahahahah. . .AHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH!! i told you i wanted that sweet, sweet angst! now cry >:D

And lighting, the next chapter is grumbo


i advice not reading tomorrow's chapter. . .

TW! Death. and swearing

Words : 1,061

º•3rd POV•º

bdubs pushed scar out the way as soon as he saw the arrow going straight for him. he felt something stab his stomach. he fell down on the floor, clutching his stomach and coughing out blood. 

scar got up and went over to bdubs  " oh no, no, no, stay with me bee " scar whispered sweetly " please don't go, we haven't even had a second to be together yet. "

" What the hell is wrong with you Impulse?! I thought you just wanted to fucking talk but then you try to kill me but instead kill bdubs! " scar yelled down to the mycelium resistance, specifically impulse " what the hell did you do?! "

" im sorry! i didn't mean to shoot you! i meant the bird im sorry! "

" WELL IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW! CALL XISUMA RIGHT NOW! " scar yelled again, then shifted his focus back on bdubs " we can get through this. they'll pay for this, we will make sure of it! " he whispered, holding bdubs' hand.

bdubs just smiled and placed his other, blood-soaked, hand on scar's cheek. he coughed before he whispered  " i'll always love you no matter what dimension i'm in. as long as i remember you, i'll love you forever. " before he lost his strength, and life.

the last thing he saw and heard was his scar crying and pleading for him to stay.

bdubs' soul formed behind scar, and watched scar with pity. he couldn't speak, and he couldn't be seen. he couldn't comfort the love of his life. he was already dead, of course.


bdubs sighed, he should've pulled scar away, not push. and walked over to the edge of the balcony. He looked down at the mycelium gang and saw all their panicked and regret filled expressions. Grian was on his communicator, probably messaging Xisuma.

He looked back at scar, who was still holding his dead body and crying.

He thought of a million ways he could've saved him and scar as he turned his attention from scar to the mycelium gang back and forth.

He thought of a million ways he could've lived, but still had scar too.

Even though he knew they would never work, since he was already dead, he still thought. He still planned.

Getting killed by the enemy while trying to tell your crush you love them is one hell of a confession.

It hurts even more knowing you never got to tell them properly.

A day passed after bdubs was killed.

Impulse was exiled to the nether for a few weeks. it was clear he wanted to kill scar, the arrows he used were tipped arrows of poison mixed with potion of harming.

Imagine having to watching your friends and crush cry over your coffin. Yeah, its as crappy as it sounds.

Bdubs stayed by scar's side the entire time. He tried to hold scar's hand, but his hand kept phasing through scar's. He still loved scar.

I mean, he promised as he coughed out blood " i'll love you even in another dimension. As long as i remember you, i will love you forever. "

A promise is a promise.

Bdubs followed scar all the way to larry. ( i think thats the snail- )

It was a horrible day for everyone. especially scar and bdubs.

Bdubs still thought of a million ways he could've been saved. ' maybe if impulse never came? Maybe if his bow broke, maybe if he didn't have arrows, maybe i could've lived, i should've lived, i don't deserve this hell. '

Every single minute, second, millisecond, he would think of a billion ways he could've lived.

2 years after bdubs' death.

Bdubs almost cried when he saw scar stopped visiting his grave. Don't blame him, it hurts to love someone who definitely doesn't love you anymore.

Scar and grian getting closer than ever didn't help. At all.

Bdubs would watched as they held hands with each other. It hurt. It hurt to know that would've been bdubs and scar.

It hurt to know that bdubs couldn't fix anything so he and scar would live happily together.

It should've been them. But, it wasn't.

5 years after bdubs' death.

Everyone moved on. Except bdubs.

He could never move on. How could he? He was so close to being with the love of his life, and then he gets killed saving his love.

It hurt like hell when he saw scar bringing grian to a beautiful forest that scar made. His heart broke so badly to see grian hold his bouquet of flowers, but the one that hurt the most?

Hearing scar's confession. Every. Single. Word. made bdubs just want to move on.

But he couldn't.

He couldn't go to the afterlife without getting over scar.

10 years after bdubs' death.

Bdubs was numb at this point. He couldn't cry, he couldn't be bothered to be sad or angry anymore. His heart was shattered beyond repair.

And yet

He felt like he was stabbed in the heart when he saw the tiny black box in scar's pocket.

He wanted to move on, he did, its just he couldn't. His love still lingered and bdubs knew it. He knew that if he never let go of his love, he would never be let go.

The wedding was beautiful. Even though bdubs was envious and angry, he still sat in one of the seats.

He knew he couldn't let scar go, so he might as well embrace that.

He wished he told scar earlier. He wished that he wasn't such a coward. He wished that scar loved him the way he did.

But obviously, he didn't.

Not anymore.

15 years after bdubs' death

Scar couldn't move on. Imagine having the love of your life dying in your arms because they wanted to save you.

You wouldn't either.

All scar could think about was how he could've saved his bdubs.

He stopped visiting bdubs' grave because it reminded him of his cowardice, and always brought him to tears when he came home.

Even with grian by his side, it still felt empty without his bdubs.

If only he wasn't such a coward and told bdubs he loved him earlier, he would've married him before his death.

Both can never, ever, move on from eachother. meaning scar will always blame himself for bdubs' death, and bdubs will never move to the next chapter of life.

If only. . .if only one of the millions of ways they could've saved eachother, worked.

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