Letter ( Convex )

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i started this chapter before the grumbo one sooo, oops?

i'll get it done, somehow

now, cry.

words : 987

º•Cub POV•º

I woke up. I was laying in a grassy field. I didn't now where I was.

' where the hell? '

" cub! " I heard scar call out while he ran towards me. Wait. . .ran? He fell in front of me but he laughed like how he always did when he messed up " I learnt how to walk again cub! " he said " I wanted to surprise you, so I decided on getting you here and showing you! "

I sat there for a few seconds, processing everything. Scar was able to walk again, after years of not being able to, he finally was!

Scar simply just sat there with his soft smile, waiting for me to respond

What was my response? Pulling him into a nice and gentle hug while I smiled. Scar giggled before he wrapped his arms around me.

" thank you so much for helping me through cub " he whispered sweetly. " i'll love you forever, even if I'm in a other dimension, as long as I remember you, I'll love you forever. "

I chuckled, " I will love you forever, too. " and ran my hand through his hair. All my questions just faded away, all that mattered was that i was with my scar. .

We sat there, Embracing each other in silence. The grass was swaying in the soft wind. The sun was a bit bothering, but i didn't care.

it was fake. I knew it was just a dream, but i didn't care about that either.

it was silent, the only sound was the leaves rustling in the wind.

" cub? " Scar broke the silence " i wanna tell you something else, please don't get sad. "

" hm? Why would i get sad? What is it? "

Scar looked me in the eyes with a sad smile, before he muttered " im sorry, cub. I'll always remember what you have done for me. I love you and i always will. Thank you for the hug, cub. "

i looked back at him, confused, about to answer, but everything faded before i could. suddenly,

Knock Knock ( whos there? )

I woke up and bolted up from my bed.

" cub? " i heard my mom's muffled voice from the other side of the door. " can i come in? I have something to tell you. . "

I got out of bed and opened the door to let my mother in, she had a sad expression as she entered my room " is something wrong ma? Is scar okay? " i asked, which she shook her head,

" about that. . .im sorry Honey. "

my heart sunk. How? How did this happen? He was just fine! " i. .No, he was just fine yesterday! What. . .what happened? did he at least go peacefully? I-I-What happened?! " i rambled, " he died in his sleep last night. he was smiling, too. " she replied.

" he'll always be with us, especially you. " she handed me an envelope " his mother gave this to me and told me to give it to you. Im sorry honey. "

Tears streamed down my cheek as i took the envelope from my mother. She turned and walked out of my room " i love you. "

I stood there for what felt like an hour, i cried every second of it. Scar was gone, my high school best friend. . . . . maybe more than that. . .

He was gone. My beloved scar was gone. i never even got to see him walk again

Suddenly i cherished the hug we shared in my dream, not that i didn't cherish our hugs in real life of course, and i also realised what he meant. 

Thank god we didn't school today. I would be crying all through out classes.

I looked at envelope in my hands. It had scar's initials in the corner, G.T.W.S.

I went to my desk and sat in my chair, and opened the envelope. I pulled out the letter and started reading it, expecting to be sobbing by the end of the letter.

Cub, it read in scar's messy handwriting

If you're reading this letter, im so sorry cub.

Im writing this on friday incase i won't be here on saturday. They said that im in critical condition, and i might actually not be here on saturday.

I know i promised you that we could hang out like we used to when i got out, but considering you're reading this, i broke that promise. Mainly because im dead.

You never got to see me walk, huh? I wish you did. I would've love to walk on the stage on graduation day after you finished giving a speech.

It hurts to think about how happy you would've been seeing me out of that stupid wheelchair.

Im sorry that you had to find out this way. I love you, and i always will. I wish i got to hug you one last time. I wish i got to see you one last time.

Thank you for always being there for me, cub. Thank you for loving me like a normal person even though i was in a wheelchair.

I love you. Even in the afterlife, i'll always love you. I wish we got more time together, and that we could be together one last time.

I love you so much, i wish i could say that to you directly. You were the best thing to happen to me. Thank you for being with me.

Signing off for the last time,


PS. i'll love you forever, even in another dimension, as long as i remember you, i'll love you. 

As if i couldn't cry enough, i was sobbing as i finished the letter. it really did hurt to imagine how happy i would be to see scar walk again.

at least we got to hug, one last time. even if it was a dream, at least we got to see eachother one last time.

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