Gone. ( Xisuma and Xayth )

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I'm back! I know its been 3 weeks but now I'm back! ( foreshadowing )

this is the hermitville AU, the same one in Lake. This is X's backstory, and explanation on why he's a little. . protective.

A little crappy , but I tries my best 

Words : 1,079

º•Xisuma POV•º

" xayth! " I ran over and grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the entrance " you know damn well we can't go in there! " I scolded " we might get lost or even trapped! Do you even remember the rumours?! "

He glared at me before he snapped his arm away from me " oh come on. Xisuma, let me have some fun will ya? I wasn't even gonna go in, i just wanted to take down the ' do not trespass ' sign! "

" stop tampering with signs xayth! They're there for a reason. " i said, " lets go home. Its gonna be dark soon. "

" go home? As if. Lets go in the forest "

" Excuse me? " I looked back at him, a hint of anger and confusion in my voice " xayth. We're 13. There's no way in hell we're going in there! We could get lost! "

" I hope we know how to set up a tent then! " he said sarcastically, " come on, you don't believe those stupid rumours do you? You're much more smarter than me, there's no way you believe that "

" i never said i believed them! im doing what's best for us by not going in the forest! " I snapped " even if the rumours aren't true, I will be as careful as I can be! Its my duty as your older brother to take care of you and i take that seriously! "

Xayth shook his head and smiled, " you were born 2 minutes ahead of me, xisuma, and yet you act like you're the oldest of us " he grabbed my hand and led me to the entrance " i just wanna see whats inside, and then we'll leave "

" Xayth! Don't you dare drag us in there! " i shouted, pulling back " we were taught not to go in, so we shouldn't! We're only 13! We can't do stupid stuff like this! "

He paused, before he glared at me, " Fine. if you don't wanna come, leave. " he let go my hand " i don't need you for every step of my life. "

I stood there, frozen, before he turned and looked at the entrance, before he started to walk towards it. " x-xayth! " I stammered, following him " xayth please, stop! Let's go home, please! "

He kept quiet while he continued walking, and while i told him to stop. " calm down xisuma. " he muttered, sounding exhausted but angry " just fuck off and let me do what I want to. . . "

" fuck off? i- I can't with you! Why can't you listen to me! " I shouted, squeezing my eyes shut in anger " xayth, you're always so stubborn! I can't deal with you! " I opened my eyes, about to shout again,

But, there was no one.

I looked around, " . . .xay. . .xayth? " I said, confused " xayth where did you go? Xayth? Xay this isn't funny! " I called out, becoming more frantic " xay!? "

I turned around, about to run back, but instead of the entrance, it was trees. I went over to look behind them, to see if there was a way out, but there was more trees behind.

There was no way out.

I was trapped.

And, my brother was gone. Like he disappeared into thin air. " Xayth! " i called out again, " Xayth where are you?! "


" This isn't funny! We need to get home before night fall! "

Again, Nothing. not even a chuckle.

I looked back to where me and xayth were standing. The only way i could go, was forward. The only way xayth could have gone, too.

I looked around, to see if xayth was somewhere, hiding in the trees, playing some sick joke on me, before I gave up and reluctantly continued walking down the trail. I called out for xayth multiple times while I walked, but I received no answer.

The night fall came quick. Everything was almost pitch black. I could barely see anything, my only light source was the moon.

But, all i could think about was my brother. All that i cared about, was that xayth was okay. All that mattered,

Was that i needed to find him.


i grabbed my lantern off the table as i pushed the door ajar. i made sure no one was outside before i went out my cabin, closing quickly closing the door so the cold air wouldn't get in

i made my way down the path going through the other hermits cabin's. " going out again? " doc asked me as i reached their cabin.

 i chuckled  " of course i am. i'm never gonna give up on finding my brother" i responded, walking past him " take care of the others while im gone, okay? "

i walked all the way to the gate, opening it and then closing it behind me. and i did what i always did when i went out at midnight.

i searched for my brother.

it became part of my routine to go out at night and search for xayth.

its been a long time ever since i saw him. 

our birthday was a week ago, we would've turned 17, if xayth wasn't gone. i've been looking, searching for him for 4 years now. and i've never given up.

i search for him, to try and make up to myself for being stupid. And, because he is my brother. he may have been a bother back then, but i can never forgive myself until i've found him.

I've thought of thousands of ways I could've saved him, maybe if we never went near the entrance? Maybe if I had shut up and dragged him home? Maybe, maybe he would've been with me.

He'd always wake up at midnight, and then wake me up too. He was a pain in the ass. but now, i'd rather be woken up by him instead of my guilt and regret waking me.

Our room felt so chaotic when xayth was there. Now, my cabin feels empty without him. The second bed stays untouched.

That day runs through my mind all the time. When I'm talking to the other hermits, when I'm in bed,  whenever.

I try my best to keep the hermits safe from danger. I make sure they're okay because I don't wanna lose them too.

It's my fault that I just let him go like that,

It's my fault he's gone.

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