Late night coffee ( convex )

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Now, i'd like to say that im not entirely back yet. first, i have an AO3 now! goodluck finding me though- second, i've been working on this for like 4 months, so the first part is going to sound different to the second

also i rushed the ending, i was getting sick of this okay?

so, have this chapter but dont expect me to make a full return just yet!

i might just come back, just not now!

Words : 2,060 ( Woo! new record! )

º•Cub POV•º

I stared at my exam paper in confusion and frustration, Hell, what do i put here? I forgot the answer to this. I looked up at my alarm,

•⁌ 12 : 45 AM ⁍•

Damn it. I have a lecture in the morning, and yet I'm still awake at 12AM. again.I looked up and out of my window and watched the rain fall. Maybe I could go outside to clear my mind?

Well, it wouldn't hurt to go to the park, right? Just go to the park and then come straight back. A few minutes, or an hour. . .of being outside wouldn't be that bad, right?

Then again, it's 12AM. My mom would kill me if I went outside while it was raining, at midnightI grabbed my jacket, and looked outside my room, making sure my mom wasn't outside, before concluding she wasn't. I slipped my phone in my pocket before coming out

My mom must've heard my footsteps, as a few seconds later, " what are you doing? " my mom startled me '' It's raining, it's 1AM, and you have a lecture in the morning. Where on earth are you going? "

" I know, Ma. i saw the rain " i responded, " i'll be back within an hour or so, also its 12 : 45 "

she narrowed her eyes " Why would you want to go outside? It's raining and you have a lecture! You might get sick! " she reasoned " what's wrong? Are you doing okay? "

" Nothing, I just need to clear my head. " I muttered " again, i'll be back in an hour, okay? I'll call you if i need anything. "

She stood in the doorway for a few seconds before she sighed " okay, fine. stay safe honey " she turned and went back in her room " i'll be waiting "

I grabbed the umbrella and opened the door. I quickly shut it behind me before any rain could get in. I opened the umbrella and started to walk to the park.

High-school was like the glory days, compared to college. Well, my college at least. I decided to major in redstone engineering, which may have been a mistake.

Going outside at times like this isn't unusual for me, but usually my mom doesn't catch me. This may be the first time in 2 months she's caught me, not that its important.When the work starts to get more difficult, I usually went outside no matter the time. I mean, trying to figure out redstone on paper still gives the best engineers headaches.

Redstone is hard regardless of your skill level. When i say " clear my head ", i mean " think of everything else, but redstone. " because it gives me a headache.

I continued walking towards the park until I reached the park pavement. I followed the circular pavement as I continued thinking. I listened to the rain fall as I continued the path. It was cold, even with my jacket on.

I noticed a few shops still open, MegaPies, The Cookie Empire, The Cookie cafe, The Entity, and even The Symmetry Salon.

( the last shop is made up )

I walked on the pavement before I spotted one of the benches under a tree. I made a beeline to it and promptly sat down. I closed my umbrella and laid back, it was quiet. Which is good when it's 1AM, but still.

( This bench has a shade to protect whoever sits on it from the rain or sun, So, No, he's not sitting on a wet bench, getting drenched by the rain. his mother taught him smarter than that! )

I watched the moon and the scattered stars in the night sky, glowing and shimmering. I always found it peaceful to go out at times like this. Though it's dark, it's beautiful. The only light sources are the lampposts and a few shop lights, its quiet, and the stars shimmered in the rainI pulled out my phone and checked the time,

•⁌ 1 : 05 AM ⁍•

Ah. It had already been 20 minutes, I have a lecture in the morning and I'm not up to missing it. I stood up and opened my umbrella again, raising it over my head. I made my way back to the sidewalk.

As I walked, I contemplated making another round around the park. My eyes looked around while i pondered, before landing on one of the open places,

' The Cookie Cafe ' in bright, light green and peach letters.

I noticed it earlier, but didn't think much about it. Frankly, I didn't know they were open in the evening. a coffee wouldn't be that bad, right? it 's gonna take at least an hour or 2 out of my sleep, but i can manage that.

I shrugged, i'm going to be fine. I need to finish my test anyway. I looked to my right and left before crossing over.

I pushed the glass door open while I tried, and failed to shake the water off my umbrella. " oh- Hello there! Welcome to the cafe! " The barista greeted me warmly. I walked over to the counter before i looked up,

' Holy. . .shit. '

I don't know if it was my drowsiness from being awake for so long, but I was star-struck. The barista looked tired, but absolutely beautiful. He had a pair of green eyes and medium long brown hair. His black apron had a nametag with the name ' scar ' on it.

" hello? "

" Oh- I'm sorry! I'm just v-ery tired " I stammered, snapped out of my stupor. " i- its okay! I'm also tired. " he chuckled. " Anyway, um, what can I get for you? "

" eh, maybe a hazelnut latte? " I ordered, trying to change the subject. " alright! " he said, typing in the register " that'll be. . .2.68 please " he smiled softly

' fucking hell- ' " just a second " i got out some spare change in my pocket and gave it to him. " You can sit wherever you'd like! " he said, which i nodded in response.

I sat at a table that was near the counter. I feel really stupid. I was probably staring at him for 3 seconds or more. It's not the best first impression on someone, especially someone you like. .Hold on. . .what?

I've only met this person a minute or two ago, and I already like them? Get a grip, Cub! Then, the air smelt sweet, like hot chocolate. I assumed it was the barista making the latte. I sat at the table for a minute or two before the barista came out of the kitchen with a cup. I stood up and stepped in front of the counter.

" Here's your latte sir! " he gave me the cup. I smiled and took it " you can call me cub " " ah, okay. You can call me scar! " he said cheerily " you should go now. We're gonna close in 10 minutes "

" of- of course " i nodded and turned to the door " thank you scar"

" No problem! Come back when you want to! "

A thousand thoughts raced through my head as I left the cafe, but one was for certain, I was definitely coming back.


The one time I finish most of my assignments is the time I can't fall asleep.

I tossed and turned for what seemed like an hour before I gave up on trying to sleep. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. I felt tired, but I couldn't fall asleep.

A few minutes went by and after trying again, and failing to fall asleep, I sighed and sat up. If I can't fall asleep even if I feel tired, then I won't. I drowsily looked at my alarm

•⁌ 10 : 00 PM ⁍•

I swung my legs over the bed and onto the floor, maybe I could do my redstone project? It was assigned today and was due in another week, but I didn't have a lot to do.

Hm, Well, I did have another thing I could do. . .

After grabbing my jacket and phone, I was out the door in a few minutes. The streets were quiet, but there were still people out. the only light sources were the lampposts and the moon.

I walked through the streets and crossed over to the park when I reached it. I continued walking along the pavement while I peered over at the shops. Most shops were still open, considering its 10PM.

I continued walking along the pavement and sat down when I found a bench. Tonight's visit. .wasn't really necessary. I have done most of the assignments, and my other project was due next week. Didn't really need to come here, but i did.

Better than staring at the ceiling for 2 hours, right?

I sat back up tilted my head up to look at the sky. The stars sparkled and glimmered in the dark blue of the night.

And the night is beautiful.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on,

•⁌ 10 : 37 PM ⁍•

Already? I guess I should get going. I stood up and started walking back to the sidewalk. I looked over at the shops while i walked back,

When was the last time i went to the Cafe again?

º•Scar POV•º


Grian stopped talking. I looked up from the counter, " ah- Hello there! Welcome to the cafe! " i greeted. " Hello " The person walked over to the counter.

" oh, Cub! Welcome back! " i smiled at him, watching grian sneak back in the kitchen from the corner of my eye " What can i get you tonight? " i pulled one of the sticky notes from the counter

" Hazelnut latte " He smiled back " don't question my taste in Coffee " i chuckled, " of course! No discrimination here " i wrote down on the note " anything else? "

" Nope " i nodded, and stuck the sticky note on the Kitchen window " alright, that'll be 2.68, you can sit anywhere you like " i said, he nodded and gave me a bit of change before he sat at a table near the counter

I smiled at him before I looked down at the Marble counter, occasionally glancing up at the windows. The evening shifts were quite slow, Not a lot of customers came in during the evening but that's what made it peaceful.

But also a little boring.

When no one came in, i'd talk to the other Staff, like Grian or Ren. Stress and Iskall seemed too busy flirting around, so i don't talk to them as much.

Sometimes I make small talk with the customer, and sometimes we end up friends. Like Doc and Bdubs! I like talking to them! despite them constantly fighting over things.

And i've seen the way Ren looks at them. .

Out of the corner of my eye, i could see Cub looking at me, or beside me. I glanced over at Cub, who immediately looked over at the windows. I shifted my focus onto where he was looking, Nothing was there

what is this man looking at? There's nothing there?

" Is your name actually Cub? "

He paused, before he looked back at me " what? "

" Sorry- i just want to know if your name is actually Cub " I chuckled nervously. " Well, No, my name isn't actually Cub " He replied " its just a nickname i picked up from High school "

" Why? I mean, Cub is a very weird name. . "

He looked around before he responded " well, My mom calls me that and somehow people found out about it. " Cub shrugged " it was supposed to mock me but it just became a nickname. "

" Your mother calls you Cub? " i leaned forward on the counter. " yeah. . .no clue why though. It is weird. "

" that sounds adorable, though. Like, she sees you as her little lion cub! "

He smiled, but covered it with his hand " Maybe that's why she still calls me that? Who knows? " He laughed.

A cute smile from a very cute person, i smiled back at him " Her, i guess! ", i think i'd like to see more of it. .

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