My fault. ( mumbskall )

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i decided i wanted a generation of my mumskall hanaki chapters, but this time you get to know what happens to mumbo.

words : 1,175 ( excluding this note )

i hope im better at angst now!

º•Mumbo POV•º

I suddenly froze as i felt something climbing up my throat. I ran to the side, since i don't want puke all over my redstone.

I coughed harshly before something the thing in my throat let go and fell out my mouth. I looked down at the ground where it fell

An orange lily?

I coughed a little as i stared at the lily, confused. How did this get inside my throat? I don't eat lilies? Is this some joke i don't understand??

" somethings wrong with me. . . " i muttered before coughing out another lily " what the heck is wrong with me. .? "

Even though i was confused and somewhat scared, i went back to my redstone and continued working on it. Even though there was something clearly wrong, i had to continue my wok so i can get off early

' hopefully i can finish this before we go out ' i thought ' don't want iskall waiting at the forest, alone. '

The only thought that kept me going despite coughing out at least, what?,15 orange lilies? ,was the thought of iskall and i walking together in the forest. The forest was like our place.

' if i get this done quick enough without any mistake i should be at the forest entrance in an hou- ' i started coughing even harder before i could finish my thought. ' what the heck is wrong with me? '

Despite the coughing, i ignored it and brushed it off as a rare fever that makes you cough flowers. Kinda sounds. . .weird. I mean of course its weird, im coughing out flowers for god sake!

I shouldn't overthink it. I'm fine, i just have a weird cough. . .i guess.

I'll go to xisuma after me and iskall's walk. Im sure i'm fine.


º•iskall POV•º

I stood at the forest entrance, nervously waiting for mumbo. All i could think about is how i would going to tell mumbo what i did.

All i could do is wait and imagine how things would go out, would we still be friends? Would we end on good terms or. . .

" iskall! " i heard mumbo yell, which snapped me out of my thinking. I looked up to see mumbo, running towards me. I smile and yelled back " Mumbo! How ya doin? "

mumbo didn't respond until he was right beside me, " im doing great! And you? "

" same thing, but i do wanna tell you something. "

mumbo looked at me confused but he smiled and " okay? We can talk about that as we walk, okay? " he said. I nodded and started to walk in the forest " lets go "

We walked through the path, listening to the crickets chirp and the owls hoo. mumbo kept coughing and i got really worried each time it got worse. I kept asking about it but he said he was fine and just had a really weird cough.

" what do you mean you have a weird cough? " i said, laughing. " i don't know! I just cough out flow- " mumbo stopped talking and then started coughing harshly, a few flowers fell out of his mouth, some with stems.

I gasped, horrified, but i didn't know what to do. I sat him down on a rock and tried giving him to water after his coughing fits

We sat together as he continued coughing out flowers, each time the number of flowers progressively increased

he 's sick. . .i can't just tell him that i cheated on him with stress. He's in horrible state right now and both of us don't know whats happening to him.

As he continued coughing i realised that the flowers we're my favourite ones, orange lilies.

' oh. . .oh no. '

Panic set in as i realised why he was coughing so bad. ' oh god. '

I couldn't just tell him that he had hanaki, if i told him why he had hanaki he'd. . .oh gosh. I knew i should've just stayed home that night.

" hey " i said softly " lets go to Xisuma, okay? "

mumbo nodded but continued coughing. I helped him up and started walking back to the entrance. I pulled out my communicator and messaged xisuma that mumbo was coughing and needed serious help

<Xisumavoid> : oh gosh, what happened to mumbo?

<Iskall85> : i think its hanaki.

<Xisumavoid> : thats not possible?

<Xisumavoid> : hanaki only happens when. .

<Xisumavoid> : oh god iskall

<Xisumavoid> : what did you do?


I stood outside xisuma's base, guilt washing every inch of me. I knew something like this would happen, i knew that i should've never left the base that night, and now, mumbo's in pain

Because of me.

I could never, ever, face him again if i told him that i cheated on him.

" iskall "

I looked up to see xisuma standing beside me. " hey. " i muttered

" i know what's happening to mumbo, i just need to know what you did for this to happen. " xisuma said " hanaki only happens when the love is unrequited but you two are dating. What did you do. "

I silently stared and the ground before sighing and telling xisuma everything, i could tell he got angrier and angrier as i explained what happened.

" you KNEW this would happen and you still went out with stress?! " he shouted, but not loud enough for mumbo to hear

" i knew it COULD happen but i didn't think the relationship would be more than a simple date! " i shouted back

" i can't believe you would do this. To mumbo out of everybody! "

I sighed an silently cried " i can never show my face to him ever again if i or you tell him. "

" well i have to tell him in order to give him the potion. " xisuma said while waving a glass bottle that had this bubbly substance " i can't just be like ' oh yeah! You need this potion so all your emotions disappear! ' without telling him why. "

" i. . i can't tell him while he's in a state like that. . .telling him is basically rejection and you know how that ends. "

" fine then. " xisuma said as he turned back to go inside " i'll just tell him instead. And also, you've done a huge amount of damage. mumbo can barely breathe. I hope it was worth it. " he said as he opened the door and slammed it loudly

Leaving me alone, to think about how i could fix this " im so sorry mumbo. " i repeated to myself as i cried silently

Despite knowing damn well that i could never fix my mistake, i still thought about how i could.

Everything was so damn screwed up. Because of how much mumbo loved me, he was in more pain for day one. I betrayed his trust and love, and now he's in agony.

Now it feels wrong to even call mumbo my boyfriend.

Everything was my fault, and yet i can't even find a way to fix it.

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