Lake ( magical AU )

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º•Scar POV•º

" be careful, okay? " xisuma said nervously as he closed the gate behind me " fishing at night is really dangerous "

" its okay xisuma, i'll be okay! " I smiled. " are you sure you wanna go alone? I can go with you! " he offered. " No, im gonna be okay i swear! "

" fine, please just come back okay? "

" okay, i will! " i said picking up the bucket and fishing rod " love you! "

" love you too scar! " he yelled back " if you see one of the guardians, just stay still! "

( they aint dating, its just all the hermits treat xisuma like a mother lol )

I started walking through the path to the lake. I looked up at the night sky and admired the stars, glimmering, as i walked.

I watched the lantern lights from the gate start to fade as i got farther and farther away.

' be careful, the guardians usually roam around the forest at night to search for intruders or monsters. ' xisuma always told me about the guardians of the forest, personally, i find them beautiful

Especially the gray and white cat. I like that one the most. The book says that shes an unpredictable one though, and thats why shes one of the dangerous ones, because she can attack you for no reason

The trees started to clear the more i got closer to the lake.

As i reached the lake side, i sat down on the soil and, well, started fishing? What else am i supposed to do??-

I stared at the reflection of the stars and moon in the lake as i fished, it was quiet. Too. . .quiet.

Something. . .felt. . .wrong.

i suddenly felt dizzy and sick. My eyelids felt heavy and i felt like i was gonna pass out. My breathing got heavy.

I pulled the fishing string out of the water before everything went black.

º•Jellie POV•º

Maui sent me out to search and basically hunt for. . .danger? I didn't listen, I just went out of our cave. I was assigned the lake this night, normally pearl would have the lake but she wanted to go with Maui

I silently walked around, shuffling out bushes, and exploring. Looking, hunting.

As i reached the lake, everything suddenly became quiet. The crickets weren't chirping, nor were the bird flying out the trees

I stopped walking around and turned to a smaller size to hide in a bush.

( jellie's magical ability is to change her size, she could be the size of your hand, but then turn as big as the statue of liberty

Also she gets fluffier the bigger she gets )

I saw a figure suddenly collaspe on the ground. ' dangit. ' i shuffled out the bush and turned into a bigger size.

I carefully and silently walked to the person, who most likely got affected by my sudden presence and passed out

I knew i was too good for mortals.

As i reached the person, i just, uh, looked at him. I sniffed his hat, which was on the ground so i swear i didn't steal it

After a few seconds of inspecting him, i curled up beside him. Mortals usually don't wake up when im around, and i can't just go to the village

Wait, i can

But this mortal's hat is cool so im just gonna sniff it and stay with him.

I stood up and sat infront of the mortal, and then he started moving. He gasped and sat up, breathing heavily and coughing

And here i thought i was too good for mortals

i watched him as he coughed " mew "

He looked at me and froze, his eyes showing shock and excitement. We stared at eachother in silence before, " o. .oh my gosh. . " he muttered under his breath

I feel insulted

we continued staring at eachother until he slowly brought his hand up and started to stroke my fur " well. . .hello there. . "

I feel slightly better

I purred, walked closer to him and laid down beside him. I let him pet me for a few minutes, before i decided stand up and walk away 

" oh- okay- bye! " he yelled out as i walked back in the treeline. I followed him back to the village, except he didn't know that.

" scar! " another person called out, rushing to the gate " where were you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? "

Scar, Hm?

" No, No, im fine xisuma " scar smiled " i just passed out "

" WHAT!? " they screamed, grabbing scar's arm " WE'RE GOING TO THE INFIRMARY! YOU ARE NOT FINE! "

" wha- No! Im fine xisuma please- im fine- " scar insisted as he got dragged away.

The sun had started to rise. I sat in the bushes for a few minutes before walking away, to the cave again.

Im too good for mortals

except scar

i like scar

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