Memory ( convex )

368 15 6

first chapter go!

now another. . .sigh.

words : 1,191 :DD

º•Scar POV•º

I got up from my bed and tried to go down the stairs, i took one step down before a white flash blinded me

I was. . .somewhere else. I had no control over my body as i stepped down the stairs, to what looked like a living room.

I've never been to this place, where ever it is, but i feel like i have. . .a sense of deja vu washed over me

' where the heck am i? ' i thought.

I heard the door click open and somebody entered " Scar? I thought you wanted to go to the nether, where are you? " he called out

' wha- '

" im coming C̷̟̠̪͚̹̋̎̔̄̇͛͜u̴̫̭̝͓͇̱̪̼̿̉̏́͆b̷̡̻̯͓̳̠̬̤̈͒̓̽͒͆͌̚͠I swear! " i called back " i just needed my coat and my hat and to pet jellie before i left! "

' great, i don't even have control over my voice! "

He chuckled and leaned on the doorframe, waiting for me patiently. His face was all blurry, i tried focusing but then i tripped over the last step, and face-planted on the floor

" oh gosh, scar " the person hissed as he walked closer and helped me up " how many times do i have to tell you to focus on the stairs! "

" sorry, i thought you were so pretty, i forgot to take my eyes of you "

He sighed before helping me up and walking me to the door " lets go now? "

" yeah yeah, lets go "

Another white flash blinded me and i was in front of my door, i got thrown into another place and now i've been thrown back here?

" what just happened. . . "


º•Cub POV•º

As i finished tidying up my. . ." base ", a white flash suddenly blinded me and then. .i waas in front of a house. .

I felt a sense of deja vu as i walked to the door and opened it, " ֆ̸̼͍̜͉̗̈́̒ƈ̵̢̛̱̝̩̫͆̽̀̎͑̕ͅą̶̛͍͍̦̣̈̄́́͂̐͗ʀ̵̲̥̺̹̻̥̍̌̽̀̓̅̏̋̈͜? I thought you wanted to go to the nether, where are you? " i called out

' what the- '

" im coming Cub i swear! " a person called back " i just needed my coat and my hat and to pet j̸̢̛̟͚̦̫̮̗̍͂̿͒͂̃̚ȩ̵̢͈̪̜̦̍͑̂̀́̊́̃l̸̨̛̛̹̘̘̟͚̓̋̑͂̃͐͛̕l̵̨̡̛̘̪̞̓į̷͓͓̺̏͊͋́͌͝e̴̝̱͈̮̣̙̝̍̊̓̓̄̑͘͜ͅ before i left! "

I felt myself smile and lean on the doorframe, waiting for the. . .brunette to go down the stairs. His face was blurred, somehow, and I felt like he was looking at me the entire time, well i think he was because he TRIPPED ON THE LAST STEP

" oh gosh, ֆ̸̼͍̜͉̗̈́̒ƈ̵̢̛̱̝̩̫͆̽̀̎͑̕ͅą̶̛͍͍̦̣̈̄́́͂̐͗ʀ̵̲̥̺̹̻̥̍̌̽̀̓̅̏̋̈͜ " i hissed as i walked closer and helped him up " how many times do i have to tell you to focus on the stairs! "

" sorry, i thought you were so pretty, i forgot to take my eyes of you "

I sighed before walking him to the door " lets go now? "

" yeah yeah, lets go "

Another white flash blinded me, and then, i was back. I was in my base, nothing looked out of place so it couldn't have been doc messing around

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