Worth ( scarian )

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i saw a few youtube comments making drabbles where scar finds out grian infidelity, but he was always upfront and forward about it. 

i imagine scar is only upfront and forward if he didn't have a plan

soo i gave him one so he would stay quiet.

also, headcanon : when a soul bounded couple separate, if one dies, no matter if they were green or yellow, they would turn to stone as if they died on red name. ( soulbounds turn into stone when they die on a red name. )

i didn't write a proper ending so you guys would make your own.

but just know, they were too late.

TW! Implied su1c1d3

was bigb worth it, grian? 

words : 1,125

º•Scar POV•º

i walked back to the spiky fort silently. The only noise were the sticks snapping as i stepped on them.

The night was so beautiful. The stars scattered the sky, making a beautiful constellation. The night was so. . .perfect.

i waited for so long for grian to show up so we could hang-out together, and he didn't come. i thought he'd come, i really did, but he doesn't care about me anymore.

He loves bigb more than me

while i was walking back i saw him with bigb. he loves a red name more than his own soulmate.

is bigb worth more than i ever was?

it seems like it.

When i went to the deep dark, i wanted to ask grian if i could, but he wasn't here.

He was with bigb like all the other times.

' When was grian ever there for me? ' i thought as i reached the spiky fort. i opened the fence to the panda sanctuary, went in, and sat under one of the trees.

i sat in silence before i started to cry, like i did multiple times before.

The jellie's walked over to me and snuggled up beside me, which felt comforting.


i was alone.

the only ones that love me are the jellie's.

i cried so many times before, i was alone, i had no body, nothing would help me, but the only ones that i had, the cared, and kept me going are my jellie's.

When i found out, I was so excited to be soulmates with grian, i honestly wanted to be his soulmate because i loved him

and then he stabs me with betrayal. I was so happy that we would spend the season together. I was so excited to be closer to him than we ever were,

But no

He wants bigb.

He decided that i was worthless. He decided that i was too much of a hazard to him.

He decided to switch soulmates with bigb instead, leaving me alone. Soulmate-less.

He thinks i don't know, but i do.

My heart feels so empty and numb.

I opened my bag and pulled out the bottle pearl gave me earlier. She told me that it was a potion of harming mixed with poison.

the potion was perfect.

pearl told me that one single drop of it would kill a person in a few minutes. 

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