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has your parent ever come home late and you cried? well thats this

but worse case scenario

words : 791 ( embarrasing. . )

 TW! Mentions of bl00d 

º•Doc POV•º

I opened the door and shut it behind me quietly, ' this is the third time I've come home late. . .and the third time I've told bdubs and ren that I would come home earlier '

I looked at the clock on the wall

▪︎3 : 45 A M ▪︎

I sighed and sat on the couch. Building the world eater takes tons of time, building other things takes even more time.

Ren and bdubs hated it when i came home at times like this, specifically bdubs, but i can't really help it.

' what am i gonna say this time? '

Everytime i worked on the world eater or anything else, i would dread having to explain why i came home at 4 : 30

" Doc? "

I turned my head to look up the stairs " Hey. " i responded " okay, listen, im sorry. I really am, but i have work to do and it takes hours. "

" it's okay, Doc. " ren said, he sounded exhausted, which further more guilt tripped me. " its okay, it really is. At least you came home. "

" i swear i'll try to get home early okay? "

Ren smiled sadly " okay, just, come home. "


As i walked through the path to our house, i already felt guilty. This is the fourth time i came home late this week.

All i could think of as i watched the sun go down was that i would be home late again, and here we are. Its 2:30AM and im just now coming home.

I fumbled with my keys before unlocking the door and shutting it behind me

" late. . .again. " bdubs called out from the couch, angrily " how many times will you come home late before you get home early, Doc? "

" im sorry. "

" sorry? " bdubs whispered before getting up " You've said that multiple times already and yet you still don't come home early! Do you seriously think ' sorry ' is going to help?! " bdubs yelled " whats more important Doc?! Us, or your damn job!? "

" i- listen okay! My job is very import- "

" So your job is worth more than us!? Your job IS SOO IMPORTANT that you have no time for me or ren?!? What is the point of this relationship if you don't even love us?! " he screamed louder " maybe you shouldn't come home at all if you don't even love us! " he said one last time before stomping up the stairs and shoving ren out of his way

I looked up at ren, who was looking back sadly " im sorry, ren. "

" at- at least you came home, Doc. "


º•Bdubs POV•º

" He's at it again! Its 5AM and he hasn't came home! " i screamed angrily " when will he just come home for once! "

" at least he comes home? "


Ren just looked at the floor, not responding to what i said

I continued " He never comes home on time! He doesn't love us anymore! He- HE'S NEVER HERE! " tears started to blur my vision, as if i can see anything in the dark.

" bee, he does love us okay? Its just that his job is hard and- " " I DON'T CARE ABOUT HIS JOB, I CARE ABOUT IF HE WILL COME HOME! "

At this point, i was just sobbing my heart out. Imagine if your boyfriend always comes home at 5AM, you'd be sad too.

Except if you're a psycho or cheating, then you're probably happy but im not.

I hugged the pillow tightly while i cried, minutes seemed like seconds as they flew by. The entire time i cried, until i passed out.


I woke up to ren sobbing in his hands beside me. Anger immediately filled my mind as i yawned before asking " Doc didn't come, didn't he. "

" N-no. . "

I sat up and hugged ren " hey, hey, No, don't cry over that prick. As soon as he gets home we'll just break it off or something, don't cry. "

" its not that, b-ee. " ren chocked out " he can't come home anymore. "

" did- did he already break it off? "

Ren stayed silent before muttering " they. . .they. .found him. In the bathroom. . .covered in his own bl00d. ."

My heart dropped as i realised. . .what happened. .

" i. . .please tell me he was just unconscious and that they found him in. . .time. . "

Ren shook his head as he continued crying. " oh. . .oh god " i whispered before i started crying too.

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